
class openvino.runtime.InferRequest

Bases: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest

InferRequest class represents infer request which can be run in asynchronous or synchronous manners.

__init__(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, other: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) None


__delattr__(name, /)

Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.

__eq__(value, /)

Return self==value.

__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.

__ge__(value, /)

Return self>=value.

__getattribute__(name, /)

Return getattr(self, name).

__gt__(value, /)

Return self>value.


Return hash(self).

__init__(self, other)


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

__le__(value, /)

Return self<=value.

__lt__(value, /)

Return self<value.

__ne__(value, /)

Return self!=value.



Helper for pickle.

__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)

Helper for pickle.


__setattr__(name, value, /)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().


Cancels inference request.

get_input_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

get_output_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.


Queries performance is measured per layer to get feedback on what is the most time-consuming operation, not all plugins provide meaningful data.

get_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.


Infers specified input(s) in synchronous mode.


Gets state control interface for given infer request.

set_callback(self, callback, userdata)

Sets a callback function that will be called on success or failure of asynchronous InferRequest.

set_input_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

set_input_tensors(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

set_output_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

set_output_tensors(self, outputs)

Set output tensors using given indexes.

set_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

set_tensors(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

start_async([inputs, userdata])

Starts inference of specified input(s) in asynchronous mode.


Waits for the result to become available.

wait_for(self, timeout)

Waits for the result to become available.



Gets all input tensors of this InferRequest.


Gets all input tensors of this InferRequest.


Gets latency of this InferRequest.


Gets all inputs of a compiled model which was used to create this InferRequest.


Gets all outputs of a compiled model which was used to create this InferRequest.


Gets all output tensors of this InferRequest.


Gets all output tensors of this InferRequest.


Performance is measured per layer to get feedback on the most time-consuming operation.


Gets all outputs tensors of this InferRequest.


Gets currently held userdata.


alias of pybind11_builtins.pybind11_type

__delattr__(name, /)

Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.

__eq__(value, /)

Return self==value.

__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.

__ge__(value, /)

Return self>=value.

__getattribute__(name, /)

Return getattr(self, name).

__gt__(value, /)

Return self>value.


Return hash(self).

__init__(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, other: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) None

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

__le__(value, /)

Return self<=value.

__lt__(value, /)

Return self<value.

__ne__(value, /)

Return self!=value.


Helper for pickle.

__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)

Helper for pickle.

__repr__(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) str
__setattr__(name, value, /)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).

cancel(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) None

Cancels inference request.

get_input_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_input_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, index: int) -> openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor

    Gets input tensor of InferRequest.

    param idx

    An index of tensor to get.

    type idx



    An input Tensor with index idx for the model. If a tensor with specified idx is not found,

    an exception is thrown. :rtype: openvino.runtime.Tensor

  2. get_input_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) -> openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor

    Gets input tensor of InferRequest.


    An input Tensor for the model. If model has several inputs, an exception is thrown.



get_output_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_output_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, index: int) -> openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor

    Gets output tensor of InferRequest.

    param idx

    An index of tensor to get.

    type idx



    An output Tensor with index idx for the model. If a tensor with specified idx is not found, an exception is thrown.



  2. get_output_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) -> openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor

    Gets output tensor of InferRequest.


    An output Tensor for the model. If model has several outputs, an exception is thrown.



get_profiling_info(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) List[ov::ProfilingInfo]

Queries performance is measured per layer to get feedback on what is the most time-consuming operation, not all plugins provide meaningful data.

GIL is released while running this function.


List of profiling information for operations in model.

Return type


get_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, name: str) -> openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor

    Gets input/output tensor of InferRequest.

    param name

    Name of tensor to get.

    type name



    A Tensor object with given name.



  2. get_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, port: openvino._pyopenvino.ConstOutput) -> openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor

    Gets input/output tensor of InferRequest.

    param port

    Port of tensor to get.

    type port



    A Tensor object for the port.



  3. get_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, port: openvino._pyopenvino.Output) -> openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor

    Gets input/output tensor of InferRequest.

    param port

    Port of tensor to get.

    type port



    A Tensor object for the port.



infer(inputs: Optional[Any] = None) dict

Infers specified input(s) in synchronous mode.

Blocks all methods of InferRequest while request is running. Calling any method will lead to throwing exceptions.

The allowed types of keys in the inputs dictionary are:

  1. int

  2. str

  3. openvino.runtime.ConstOutput

The allowed types of values in the inputs are:

  1. numpy.array

  2. openvino.runtime.Tensor

  3. array-like object with __array__ attribute

Can be called with only one openvino.runtime.Tensor or numpy.array, it will work only with one-input models. When model has more inputs, function throws error.


inputs (Any, optional) – Data to be set on input tensors.


Dictionary of results from output tensors with ports as keys.

Return type

Dict[openvino.runtime.ConstOutput, numpy.array]

property input_tensors

Gets all input tensors of this InferRequest.

Return type


property inputs

Gets all input tensors of this InferRequest.

Return type


property latency

Gets latency of this InferRequest.

Return type


property model_inputs

Gets all inputs of a compiled model which was used to create this InferRequest.

Return type


property model_outputs

Gets all outputs of a compiled model which was used to create this InferRequest.

Return type


property output_tensors

Gets all output tensors of this InferRequest.

Return type


property outputs

Gets all output tensors of this InferRequest.

Return type


property profiling_info

Performance is measured per layer to get feedback on the most time-consuming operation. Not all plugins provide meaningful data!

GIL is released while running this function.


Inference time.

Return type


query_state(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) List[ov::VariableState]

Gets state control interface for given infer request.

GIL is released while running this function.


List of VariableState objects.

Return type


property results

Gets all outputs tensors of this InferRequest.


Dictionary of results from output tensors with ports as keys.

Return type

Dict[openvino.runtime.ConstOutput, numpy.array]

set_callback(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, callback: function, userdata: object) None

Sets a callback function that will be called on success or failure of asynchronous InferRequest.

  • callback (function) – Function defined in Python.

  • userdata (Any) – Any data that will be passed inside callback call.

set_input_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_input_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, index: int, tensor: openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor) -> None

    Sets input tensor of InferRequest.

    param idx

    Index of input tensor. If idx is greater than number of model’s inputs, an exception is thrown.

    type idx


    param tensor

    Tensor object. The element_type and shape of a tensor must match the model’s input element_type and shape.

    type tensor


  2. set_input_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, tensor: openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor) -> None

    Sets input tensor of InferRequest with single input. If model has several inputs, an exception is thrown.

    param tensor

    Tensor object. The element_type and shape of a tensor must match the model’s input element_type and shape.

    type tensor


set_input_tensors(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_input_tensors(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, inputs: dict) -> None

    Set input tensors using given indexes.

    param inputs

    Data to set on output tensors.

    type inputs

    Dict[int, openvino.runtime.Tensor]

  2. set_input_tensors(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, tensors: List[openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor]) -> None

    Sets batch of tensors for single input data. Model input needs to have batch dimension and the number of tensors needs to match with batch size.

    param tensors

    Input tensors for batched infer request. The type of each tensor must match the model input element type and shape (except batch dimension). Total size of tensors needs to match with input’s size.

    type tensors


  3. set_input_tensors(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, idx: int, tensors: List[openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor]) -> None

    Sets batch of tensors for single input data to infer by index. Model input needs to have batch dimension and the number of tensors needs to match with batch size.

    param idx

    Index of input tensor.

    type idx


    param tensors

    Input tensors for batched infer request. The type of each tensor must match the model input element type and shape (except batch dimension). Total size of tensors needs to match with input’s size.

set_output_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_output_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, index: int, tensor: openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor) -> None

    Sets output tensor of InferRequest.

    param idx

    Index of output tensor.

    type idx


    param tensor

    Tensor object. The element_type and shape of a tensor must match the model’s output element_type and shape.

    type tensor


  2. set_output_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, tensor: openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor) -> None

    Sets output tensor of InferRequest with single output. If model has several outputs, an exception is thrown.

    param tensor

    Tensor object. The element_type and shape of a tensor must match the model’s output element_type and shape.

    type tensor


set_output_tensors(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, outputs: dict) None

Set output tensors using given indexes.


inputs (Dict[int, openvino.runtime.Tensor]) – Data to set on output tensors.

set_tensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, name: str, tensor: openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor) -> None

    Sets input/output tensor of InferRequest.

    param name

    Name of input/output tensor.

    type name


    param tensor

    Tensor object. The element_type and shape of a tensor must match the model’s input/output element_type and shape.

    type tensor


  2. set_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, port: openvino._pyopenvino.ConstOutput, tensor: openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor) -> None

    Sets input/output tensor of InferRequest.

    param port

    Port of input/output tensor.

    type port


    param tensor

    Tensor object. The element_type and shape of a tensor must match the model’s input/output element_type and shape.

    type tensor


  3. set_tensor(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, port: openvino._pyopenvino.Output, tensor: openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor) -> None

    Sets input/output tensor of InferRequest.

    param port

    Port of input/output tensor.

    type port


    param tensor

    Tensor object. The element_type and shape of a tensor must match the model’s input/output element_type and shape.

    type tensor


set_tensors(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_tensors(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, inputs: dict) -> None

    Set tensors using given keys.

    param inputs

    Data to set on tensors.

    type inputs

    Dict[Union[int, str, openvino.runtime.ConstOutput], openvino.runtime.Tensor]

  2. set_tensors(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, tensor_name: str, tensors: List[openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor]) -> None

    Sets batch of tensors for input data to infer by tensor name. Model input needs to have batch dimension and the number of tensors needs to be matched with batch size. Current version supports set tensors to model inputs only. In case if tensor_name is associated with output (or any other non-input node), an exception will be thrown.

    param tensor_name

    Name of input tensor.

    type tensor_name


    param tensors

    Input tensors for batched infer request. The type of each tensor must match the model input element type and shape (except batch dimension). Total size of tensors needs to match with input’s size.

    type tensors


  3. set_tensors(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, port: openvino._pyopenvino.ConstOutput, tensors: List[openvino._pyopenvino.Tensor]) -> None

    Sets batch of tensors for input data to infer by tensor name. Model input needs to have batch dimension and the number of tensors needs to be matched with batch size. Current version supports set tensors to model inputs only. In case if port is associated with output (or any other non-input node), an exception will be thrown.

    param port

    Port of input tensor.

    type port


    param tensors

    Input tensors for batched infer request. The type of each tensor must match the model input element type and shape (except batch dimension). Total size of tensors needs to match with input’s size.

    type tensors




start_async(inputs: Optional[Any] = None, userdata: Optional[Any] = None) None

Starts inference of specified input(s) in asynchronous mode.

Returns immediately. Inference starts also immediately. Calling any method on the InferRequest object while the request is running will lead to throwing exceptions.

The allowed types of keys in the inputs dictionary are:

  1. int

  2. str

  3. openvino.runtime.ConstOutput

The allowed types of values in the inputs are:

  1. numpy.array

  2. openvino.runtime.Tensor

  3. array-like object with __array__ attribute

Can be called with only one openvino.runtime.Tensor or numpy.array, it will work only with one-input models. When model has more inputs, function throws error.

  • inputs (Any, optional) – Data to be set on input tensors.

  • userdata (Any) – Any data that will be passed inside the callback.

property userdata

Gets currently held userdata.

Return type


wait(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest) None

Waits for the result to become available. Blocks until the result becomes available.

GIL is released while running this function.

wait_for(self: openvino._pyopenvino.InferRequest, timeout: int) bool

Waits for the result to become available. Blocks until specified timeout has elapsed or the result becomes available, whichever comes first.

GIL is released while running this function.


timeout (int) – Maximum duration in milliseconds (ms) of blocking call.


True if InferRequest is ready, False otherwise.

Return type
