class ov::pass::GraphRewrite


GraphRewrite is a container for MatcherPasses that allows to run them on Function in efficient way. More…

#include <graph_rewrite.hpp>

class GraphRewrite: public ov::pass::ModelPass
    // construction

    GraphRewrite(const std::shared_ptr<MatcherPass>& pass);

    // methods


    template <
        typename T,
        bool Enabled = true,
        class... Args,
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<pass::MatcherPass, T>::value, bool>::type = true
    std::shared_ptr<T> add_matcher(Args&&... args);

    template <
        typename T,
        class... Args,
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<pass::GraphRewrite, T>::value, bool>::type = true
    void add_matcher(Args&&... args);

    std::shared_ptr<MatcherPass> add_matcher(const std::shared_ptr<MatcherPass>& pass);

    void add_matcher(
        const std::shared_ptr<pattern::Matcher>& m,
        const graph_rewrite_callback& callback,
        const PassPropertyMask& property

    void add_matcher(
        const std::shared_ptr<pattern::Matcher>& m,
        const ov::graph_rewrite_callback& callback

    virtual bool run_on_model(const std::shared_ptr<ov::Model>& m);
    virtual void set_pass_config(const std::shared_ptr<PassConfig>& pass_config);

// direct descendants

class BidirectionalSequenceDecomposition;
class ConcatReduceFusion;
class ConvFusion;
class ConvertConvolutions;
class ConvertMatMulToFCorGemm;
class ConvertMulOrAddFinally;
class ConvertNmsGatherPathToUnsigned;
class ConvertReduceToPooling;
class ConvertSequenceToTensorIterator;
class ConvertTensorIteratorToSequence;
class FuseFilteringBoxesBySize;
class GeluFusion;
class HSigmoidFusion;
class HSwishFusion;
class InitMasks;
class LinOpSequenceFusion;
class MVNFusion;
class NopElimination;
class PReluFusion;
class PadFusion;
class PropagateMasks;
class Reshape1DOps;
class SwishFusion;
class TransposeSinking;
class TypeRelaxedReplacer;
class BackwardGraphRewrite;
class CompressFloatConstants;

Inherited Members

    // typedefs

    typedef DiscreteTypeInfo type_info_t;

    // methods

    bool get_property(const PassPropertyMask& prop_mask) const;
    void set_name(const std::string& name);
    std::string get_name() const;
    void set_callback(const param_callback& callback);
    virtual void set_pass_config(const std::shared_ptr<PassConfig>& pass_config);
    std::shared_ptr<PassConfig> get_pass_config();
    bool m_transformation_callback(const std::shared_ptr<const Node>& node);
    bool transformation_callback(const std::shared_ptr<const Node>& node);
    virtual const type_info_t& get_type_info() const = 0;
    virtual bool run_on_function(std::shared_ptr<ov::Model> m);
    virtual bool run_on_model(const std::shared_ptr<ov::Model>& m);

Detailed Documentation

GraphRewrite is a container for MatcherPasses that allows to run them on Function in efficient way.

Graph rewrite pass is used for matcher passes execution on Function. To register MatcherPass use

See also:

add_matcher<T>(args) method where T is a MatcherPass class. As a default algorithm graph rewrite pass traverse Function in topological order and applies registered matcher passes for each node. But if all registered matcher passes have type based root node in Matcher pattern then efficient mechanism is used to execute them. Matcher pattern root is type based if it’ s operation from opset or pattern::op::WrapType. Note: when implementing pattern for Matcher make sure that root node is an operation from opset or has ov::pattern::op::WrapType. That will help GraphRewrite to execute matcher passes more efficient.


template <
    typename T,
    bool Enabled = true,
    class... Args,
    typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<pass::MatcherPass, T>::value, bool>::type = true
std::shared_ptr<T> add_matcher(Args&&... args)

Register given transformation class type to GraphRewrite execution list All registered transformations will be executed in a single graph traversal. Example below show the basic usage of pass::GraphRewrite.

pass::Manager manager;
auto anchor = manager.register_pass<GraphRewrite>();

For some purposes transformation can be registered and disabled by default.

anchor->add_matcher<MatcherPassB, false>();


shared_ptr to the transformation instance

template <
    typename T,
    class... Args,
    typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<pass::GraphRewrite, T>::value, bool>::type = true
void add_matcher(Args&&... args)

Register passes from GraphRewrite class that contains sequence of matcher passes registered in its ctor. For example:

class ov::pass::LinFusions: public ov::pass::GraphRewrite { public: OPENVINO_RTTI(“LinFusion”); Fusions() {add_matcher<ov::pass::AddFusion>(); add_matcher<ov::pass::MulFusion>(); } };

pass::Manager manager; auto anchor = manager.register_pass<GraphRewrite>(); anchor-> add_matcher<LinFusions>(); anchor-> add_matcher<OtherFusions>(); anchor->set_name(“CommonFusions”); manager.run_passes(f);

In this case all matcher passes from LinFusions pass will be united with other registered matchers.

virtual void set_pass_config(const std::shared_ptr<PassConfig>& pass_config)

Set PassConfig for particular transformation instance.



is a PassConfig shared_ptr