Import ONNX* MobileNet v2 Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to import the MobileNet v2 model, one of the original ONNX* models, into the DL Workbench. To download other original models of this framework, go to the public ONNX models repository.

Go to the Import Model page as described in Import Models. Select ONNX in the drop-down list, choose the mobilenet_v2-1.0.onnx file. The name of the model is automatically filled in based on the file name.

Once you click Import Model, the tool analyzes your model and opens the Convert Model to IR form with conversion settings fields. Some of the fields are prepopulated as a result of the analysis.

Choose the RGB color space order as stated in the documentation of the model.


Check the boxes Use Means and Use Scales. Fill in the values as described in the documentation: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] and [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] respectively.

Once you have the fields of the Convert Model to IR window filled as shown below, click Convert and proceed to select a dataset.
