Using AI Accelerators

Starting the server with the Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2

Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick 2 can be employed by OVMS OpenVINO Model Server via the MYRIAD plugin. It must be visible and accessible on the host machine.

NCS devices should be reported by the lsusb command, printing out ID 03e7:2485.

To start the server with Neural Compute Stick use either of the two options:

  1. More securely, without the docker privileged mode and mounting only the usb devices.

    docker run --rm -it -u 0 --device-cgroup-rule='c 189:* rmw' -v /opt/model:/opt/model -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server \
    --model_path /opt/model --model_name my_model --port 9001 --target_device MYRIAD
  2. less securely, in the docker privileged mode and mounting all devices.

    docker run --rm -it --net=host -u root --privileged -v /opt/model:/opt/model -v /dev:/dev -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server \
    --model_path /opt/model --model_name my_model --port 9001 --target_device MYRIAD

Starting a Docker Container with HDDL

To run a container that is using the HDDL accelerator, hddldaemon must be running on the host machine. You must set up the environment (the OpenVINO package must be pre-installed) and start hddldaemon on the host before starting a container. Refer to the steps from OpenVINO installation guides.

An example of a command starting a server with HDDL:

# --device=/dev/ion:/dev/ion mounts the accelerator device
# -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp enables communication with _hddldaemon_ running on the host machine
docker run --rm -it --device=/dev/ion:/dev/ion -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp -v /opt/model:/opt/model -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server:latest \

--model_path /opt/model --model_name my_model --port 9001 --target_device HDDL

Check out our recommendations for throughput optimization on HDDL.

>NOTE: the OpenVINO Model Server process within the container communicates with hddldaemon via unix sockets in the /var/tmp folder. It requires RW permissions in the docker container security context. It is recommended to start the docker container in the same context as the account starting hddldaemon. For example, if you start the hddldaemon as root, add --user root to the docker run command.

Starting a Docker Container with Intel GPU

The GPU plugin uses the Intel Compute Library for Deep Neural Networks (clDNN) to infer deep neural networks. For inference execution, it employs Intel® Processor Graphics including Intel® HD Graphics, Intel® Iris® Graphics, Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics, and Intel® Iris® Xe MAX graphics.

Before using GPU as OpenVINO Model Server target device, you need to:

  • install the required drivers - refer to OpenVINO installation guide

  • start the docker container with the additional parameter of --device /dev/dri to pass the device context

  • set the parameter of --target_device to GPU.

  • use the openvino/model_server:latest-gpu image, which contains GPU dependencies

A command example:

docker run --rm -it --device=/dev/dri -v /opt/model:/opt/model -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server:latest-gpu \
--model_path /opt/model --model_name my_model --port 9001 --target_device GPU

Running inference on GPU requires the model server process security context account to have correct permissions. It has to belong to the render group identified by the command:

stat -c "group_name=%G group_id=%g" /dev/dri/render*

The default account in the docker image is preconfigured. If you change the security context, use the following command to start the model server container:

docker run --rm -it  --device=/dev/dri --group-add=$(stat -c "%g" /dev/dri/render*) -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \

-v /opt/model:/opt/model -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server:latest-gpu \

--model_path /opt/model --model_name my_model --port 9001 --target_device GPU

>Note: The docker image includes OpenCL drivers for GPU, version 20.35.17767. An older version can be also used, although, it will not work with the latest Intel platforms - TigerLake or newer.

To use an older version, build the image with the following parameter:


Using Multi-Device Plugin

If you have multiple inference devices available (e.g. Myriad VPUs and CPU) you can increase inference throughput by enabling the Multi-Device Plugin. It distributes Inference requests among multiple devices, balancing out the load. For more detailed information read OpenVINO’s Multi-Device plugin documentation documentation.

To use this feature in OpenVINO Model Server, you can choose one of two ways:

  1. Use a .json configuration file to set the --target_device parameter with the pattern of: MULTI:<DEVICE_1>,<DEVICE_2>. The order of the devices will define their priority, in this case making device_1 the primary selection.

This example of a config.json file sets up the Multi-Device Plugin for a resnet model, using Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick and CPU as devices:

{"model_config_list": [
   {"config": {
      "name": "resnet",
      "base_path": "/opt/ml/resnet",
      "batch_size": "1",
      "target_device": "MULTI:MYRIAD,CPU"}

To start OpenVINO Model Server, with the described config file placed as ./models/config.json, set the grpc_workers parameter to match the nireq field in config.json and use the run command, like so:

docker run -d --net=host -u root --privileged --rm -v $(pwd)/models/:/opt/ml:ro -v /dev:/dev -p 9001:9001 \
openvino/model_server:latest --config_path /opt/ml/config.json --port 9001
  1. When using just a single model, you can start OpenVINO Model Server without the config.json file. To do so, use the run command together with additional parameters, like so:

docker run -d --net=host -u root --privileged --name ie-serving --rm -v $(pwd)/models/:/opt/ml:ro -v \
/dev:/dev -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server:latest model --model_path /opt/ml/resnet --model_name resnet --port 9001 --target_device 'MULTI:MYRIAD,CPU'

The deployed model will perform inference on both Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick and CPU. The total throughput will be roughly equal to the sum of CPU and Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick throughputs.

Using Heterogeneous Plugin

The HETERO plugin makes it possible to distribute inference load of one model among several computing devices. That way different parts of the deep learning network can be executed by devices best suited to their type of calculations. OpenVINO automatically divides the network to optimize the process.

The Heterogenous plugin can be configured using the --target_device parameter with the pattern of: HETERO:<DEVICE_1>,<DEVICE_2>. The order of devices will define their priority, in this case making device_1 the primary and device_2 the fallback one.

Here is a config example using heterogeneous plugin with GPU as the primary device and CPU as a fallback.

{"model_config_list": [
   {"config": {
      "name": "resnet",
      "base_path": "/opt/ml/resnet",
      "batch_size": "1",
      "target_device": "HETERO:GPU,CPU"}