Starting the Server

Serving a Single Model

The simplest way to deploy OpenVINO™ Model Server is in the single-model mode - only one model is served and the whole configuration is passed via CLI parameters.

>NOTE: In the single-model mode, changing configuration in runtime is not possible.

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Serving Multiple Models

To serve multiple models, use the multi-model mode. This requires a configuration file that stores settings for all served models. In this mode you can add and delete models, as well as update their configurations in runtime, without restarting Model Server.

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Running in a Docker Container

Using Docker is the recommended way of running OpenVINO Model Server. Its images are available via DockerHub and RedHat Ecosystem Catalog. They are minimal and contain only the necessary dependencies.

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Running on Bare Metal and Virtual Machine (VM) Hosts

OpenVINO Model Server is an open-source project written in C++. Therefore you can download and compile the code to obtain the binary and run it on bare metal. The make targets are provided to simplify the process.

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Configuring Deployments

Depending on performance requirements, traffic expectations, and what models OVMS serves, you may want to make certain adjustments to:

configuration of server options, like:

  • ports used

  • enable/disable REST API

  • set configuration monitoring

configuration for each of the served models, like:

  • the device to load the model onto

  • the model version policy

  • inference related options

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Keeping Models in a Remote Storage

Leverage remote storages, compatible with Google Cloud Storage (GCS), Amazon S3, or Azure Blob Storage, to create more flexible model repositories that are easy to use and manage, for example, in Kubernetes deployments.

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Setting Model Versioning Policies for served models

Take advantage of the model repository structure. Add or delete version directories and Model Server will automatically adjust. Take full control over the served model versions by setting a model version policy and serving all, the chosen, or just the latest version of the model.

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Modifying Model Configuration in Runtime

OpenVINO Model Server tracks changes to the configuration file and applies them in runtime. It means that you can change model configurations (for example serve the model on a different device), add a new model or completely remove one that is no longer needed. All changes will be applied with no disruption to the service and no restart will berequired.

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Keeping Deployments Secure

While deploying model server, think about security of your deployment. Take care of appropriate permissions and keeping your models in a safe place. Consider configuring access restrictions and traffic encryption to secure communication with the model server.

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