Multiple-Model mode with a Config File

To use a container that has several models, you need an additional JSON configuration file defining each of them. In the file, provide an array, model_config_list, that includes a collection of config objects for each served model. Every such config object needs the minimum of the name and the base_path attribute values provided.

An example of the configuration file:

            "batch_size": "16"
            "batch_size": "auto",
            "model_version_policy": {"all": {}}
            "model_version_policy": {"specific": { "versions":[1, 3] }},
            "shape": "auto"
             "shape": {
                "input1": "(1,3,200,200)",
                "input2": "(1,3,50,50)"
         "plugin_config": {"CPU_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS": "CPU_THROUGHPUT_AUTO"}
             "shape": "auto",
             "nireq": 32,
             "target_device": "HDDL",

When the Docker container has the config file mounted, it can be started - the command is minimalistic, as arguments are read from the config file. Note that models with a cloud storage path require setting specific environmental variables.

docker run --rm -d -v /models/:/opt/ml:ro -p 9001:9001 -p 8001:8001 -v <config.json>:/opt/ml/config.json openvino/model_server:latest \
--config_path /opt/ml/config.json --port 9001 --rest_port 8001

For additional details, refer to: