myriad_compile tool

This topic demonstrates how to run the myriad_compile tool application, which intended to dump blob for vpu plugins of Inference Engine by configuration options.

How It Works

Upon the start-up, the tool application reads command line parameters and loads a network to the Inference Engine plugin. Then application exports blob and writes it to the output file.


Running the application with the -h option yields the following usage message:

./myriad_compile -h
Inference Engine:
        API version ............ <version>
        Build .................. <build>

myriad_compile [OPTIONS]
    -h                                       Optional. Print a usage message.
    -m                           <value>     Required. Path to xml model.
    -pp                          <value>     Optional. Path to a plugin folder.
    -o                           <value>     Optional. Path to the output file. Default value: "<model_xml_file>.blob".
    -c                           <value>     Optional. Path to the configuration file. Default value: "config".
    -ip                          <value>     Optional. Specifies precision for all input layers of network. Supported values: FP32, FP16, U8. Default value: FP16.
    -op                          <value>     Optional. Specifies precision for all output layers of network. Supported values: FP32, FP16, U8. Default value: FP16.
    -iop                        "<value>"    Optional. Specifies precision for input/output layers by name.
                                             By default all inputs and outputs have FP16 precision.
                                             Available precisions: FP32, FP16, U8.
                                             Example: -iop "input:FP16, output:FP16".
                                             Notice that quotes are required.
                                             Overwrites precision from ip and op options for specified layers.
    -VPU_NUMBER_OF_SHAVES        <value>     Optional. Specifies number of shaves. Should be set with "VPU_NUMBER_OF_CMX_SLICES". Overwrites value from config.
    -VPU_NUMBER_OF_CMX_SLICES    <value>     Optional. Specifies number of CMX slices. Should be set with "VPU_NUMBER_OF_SHAVES". Overwrites value from config.
    -VPU_TILING_CMX_LIMIT_KB     <value>     Optional. Specifies CMX limit for data tiling in kB. Value should be equal or greater than -1, where -1 means default value of limit. Overwrites value from config.

Running the application with the empty list of options yields an error message.

You can use the following command to dump blob using a trained Faster R-CNN network:

./myriad_compile -m <path_to_model>/model_name.xml

Import and Export functionality


You can save a blob file from your application. To do this, you should call the Export() method on the ExecutableNetwork object. Export() has the following argument:

  • Name of output blob [IN]


InferenceEngine::Core core;
InferenceEngine::ExecutableNetwork executableNetwork = core.LoadNetwork(network);


You can upload blob with network into your application. To do this, you should call the ImportNetwork() method on the Core object. ImportNetwork() has the following arguments:

  • Path to blob [IN]

  • Config options [IN] And returns ExecutableNetwork object


std::string modelFilename ("model_name.blob");
InferenceEngine::Core core;
InferenceEngine::ExecutableNetwork importedNetwork = core.ImportNetwork(modelFilename);


Models should be first converted to the Inference Engine format (*.xml + *.bin) using the Model Optimizer tool.