
Versioned name : ReduceL2-4

Category : Reduction

Short description : ReduceL2 operation performs the reduction with finding the L2 norm (square root of sum of squares) on a given input data along dimensions specified by axes input.

Detailed Description

ReduceL2 operation performs the reduction with finding the L2 norm (square root of sum of squares) on a given input data along dimensions specified by axes input. Each element in the output is calculated as follows:

output[i0, i1, ..., iN] = L2[j0, ..., jN](x[j0, ..., jN]))

where indices i0, …, iN run through all valid indices for input data, and finding the L2 norm L2[j0, ..., jN] has jk = ik for those dimensions k that are not in the set of indices specified by axes input.

Particular cases:

  1. If axes is an empty list, ReduceL2 corresponds to the identity operation.

  2. If axes contains all dimensions of input data, a single reduction value is calculated for the entire input tensor.


  • keep_dims

    • Description : If set to true, it holds axes that are used for the reduction. For each such axis, the output dimension is equal to 1.

    • Range of values : true or false

    • Type : boolean

    • Default value : false

    • Required : no


  • 1 : data - A tensor of type T and arbitrary shape. Required.

  • 2 : axes - Axis indices of data input tensor, along which the reduction is performed. A scalar or 1D tensor of unique elements and type T_IND. The range of elements is [-r, r-1], where r is the rank of data input tensor. Required.


  • 1 : The result of ReduceL2 function applied to data input tensor. A tensor of type T and shape[i] = shapeOf(data)[i] for all i dimensions not in axes input tensor. For dimensions in axes, shape[i] == 1 if keep_dims == true; otherwise, the i -th dimension is removed from the output.


  • T : any supported numeric type.

  • T_IND : any supported integer type.


<layer id="1" type="ReduceL2" ...>
    <data keep_dims="true" />
        <port id="0">
        <port id="1">
            <dim>2</dim>         <!-- value is [2, 3] that means independent reduction in each channel and batch -->
        <port id="2">
<layer id="1" type="ReduceL2" ...>
    <data keep_dims="false" />
        <port id="0">
        <port id="1">
            <dim>2</dim>         <!-- value is [2, 3] that means independent reduction in each channel and batch -->
        <port id="2">
<layer id="1" type="ReduceL2" ...>
    <data keep_dims="false" />
        <port id="0">
        <port id="1">
            <dim>1</dim>         <!-- value is [1] that means independent reduction in each channel and spatial dimensions -->
        <port id="2">
<layer id="1" type="ReduceL2" ...>
    <data keep_dims="false" />
        <port id="0">
        <port id="1">
            <dim>1</dim>         <!-- value is [-2] that means independent reduction in each channel, batch and second spatial dimension -->
        <port id="2">