Converting YOLO* Models to the Intermediate Representation (IR)

This document explains how to convert real-time object detection YOLOv1*, YOLOv2*, YOLOv3* and YOLOv4* public models to the Intermediate Representation (IR). All YOLO* models are originally implemented in the DarkNet* framework and consist of two files:

  • .cfg file with model configurations

  • .weights file with model weights

Depending on a YOLO model version, the Model Optimizer converts it differently:

  • YOLOv4 must be first converted from Keras* to TensorFlow 2*.

  • YOLOv3 has several implementations. This tutorial uses a TensorFlow implementation of YOLOv3 model, which can be directly converted to an IR.

  • YOLOv1 and YOLOv2 models must be first converted to TensorFlow* using DarkFlow*.

Convert YOLOv4 Model to IR

This section explains how to convert the YOLOv4 Keras* model from the repository to an IR. To convert the YOLOv4 model, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download YOLOv4 weights from yolov4.weights.

  2. Clone the repository with the YOLOv4 model.

    git clone
  3. Convert the model to the TensorFlow 2* format. Save the code below to the file in the same folder as you downloaded yolov4.weights and run it.

    from keras-yolo4.model import Mish
    model = tf.keras.models.load_model('yolo4_weight.h5', custom_objects={'Mish': Mish}), 'yolov4')
  1. Run Model Optimizer to converter the model from the TensorFlow 2 format to an IR:


Before you run the convertion, make sure you have installed all the Model Optimizer dependencies for TensorFlow 2.

python3 --saved_model_dir yolov4 --output_dir models/IRs --input_shape [1,608,608,3] --model_name yolov4
mo --saved_model_dir yolov4 --output_dir models/IRs --input_shape [1,608,608,3] --model_name yolov4

Convert YOLOv3 Model to IR

On GitHub*, you can find several public versions of TensorFlow YOLOv3 model implementation. This section explains how to convert YOLOv3 model from the repository (commit ed60b90) to an IR , but the process is similar for other versions of TensorFlow YOLOv3 model.

Overview of YOLOv3 Model Architecture

Originally, YOLOv3 model includes feature extractor called Darknet-53 with three branches at the end that make detections at three different scales. These branches must end with the YOLO Region layer.

Region layer was first introduced in the DarkNet framework. Other frameworks, including TensorFlow, do not have the Region implemented as a single layer, so every author of public YOLOv3 model creates it using simple layers. This badly affects performance. For this reason, the main idea of YOLOv3 model conversion to IR is to cut off these custom Region -like parts of the model and complete the model with the Region layers where required.

Dump YOLOv3 TensorFlow* Model

To dump TensorFlow model out of GitHub repository (commit ed60b90), follow the instructions below:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd tensorflow-yolo-v3
  2. (Optional) Checkout to the commit that the conversion was tested on:

    git checkout ed60b90
  3. Download coco.names file from the DarkNet website OR use labels that fit your task.

  4. Download the yolov3.weights (for the YOLOv3 model) or yolov3-tiny.weights (for the YOLOv3-tiny model) file OR use your pre-trained weights with the same structure

  5. Run a converter:

  • for YOLO-v3:

    python3 --class_names coco.names --data_format NHWC --weights_file yolov3.weights
  • for YOLOv3-tiny:

    python3 --class_names coco.names --data_format NHWC --weights_file yolov3-tiny.weights --tiny

    At this step, you may receive a warning like WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <...> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is.. To work around this issue, switch to gast 0.2.2 with the following command:

    pip3 install --user gast==0.2.2

If you have YOLOv3 weights trained for an input image with the size different from 416 (320, 608 or your own), please provide the --size key with the size of your image specified while running the converter. For example, run the following command for an image with size 608:

python3 --class_names coco.names --data_format NHWC --weights_file yolov3_608.weights --size 608

Convert YOLOv3 TensorFlow Model to IR

To solve the problems explained in the YOLOv3 architecture overview section, use the yolo_v3.json or yolo_v3_tiny.json (depending on a model) configuration file with custom operations located in the <OPENVINO_INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf repository.

It consists of several attributes:

    "id": "TFYOLOV3",
    "match_kind": "general",
    "custom_attributes": {
      "classes": 80,
      "anchors": [10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23, 30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119, 116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326],
      "coords": 4,
      "num": 9,
      "masks":[[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]],
      "entry_points": ["detector/yolo-v3/Reshape", "detector/yolo-v3/Reshape_4", "detector/yolo-v3/Reshape_8"]


  • id and match_kind are parameters that you cannot change.

  • custom_attributes is a parameter that stores all the YOLOv3 specific attributes:

    • classes, coords, num, and masks are attributes that you should copy from the configuration file that was used for model training. If you used DarkNet officially shared weights, you can use yolov3.cfg or yolov3-tiny.cfg configuration file from Replace the default values in custom_attributes with the parameters that follow the [yolo] titles in the configuration file.

    • anchors is an optional parameter that is not used while inference of the model, but it used in a demo to parse Region layer output

    • entry_points is a node name list to cut off the model and append the Region layer with custom attributes specified above.

To generate an IR of the YOLOv3 TensorFlow model, run:

python3                                                   \
--input_model /path/to/yolo_v3.pb                                  \
--transformations_config $MO_ROOT/extensions/front/tf/yolo_v3.json \
--batch 1                                                          \
--output_dir <OUTPUT_MODEL_DIR>

To generate an IR of the YOLOv3-tiny TensorFlow model, run:

python3                                                        \
--input_model /path/to/yolo_v3_tiny.pb                                  \
--transformations_config $MO_ROOT/extensions/front/tf/yolo_v3_tiny.json \
--batch 1                                                               \
--output_dir <OUTPUT_MODEL_DIR>


  • --batch defines shape of model input. In the example, --batch is equal to 1, but you can also specify other integers larger than 1.

  • --transformations_config adds missing Region layers to the model. In the IR, the Region layer has name RegionYolo.


The color channel order (RGB or BGR) of an input data should match the channel order of the model training dataset. If they are different, perform the RGB<->BGR conversion specifying the command-line parameter: --reverse_input_channels. Otherwise, inference results may be incorrect. For more information about the parameter, refer to When to Reverse Input Channels section of Converting a Model to Intermediate Representation (IR).

OpenVINO toolkit provides a demo that uses YOLOv3 model. For more information, refer to Object Detection C++ Demo.

Convert YOLOv1 and YOLOv2 Models to the IR

Before converting Choose a YOLOv1 or YOLOv2 model version that best suits your task. Download model configuration file and corresponding weight file:

  • From DarkFlow repository : configuration files are stored in the cfg directory, links to weight files are given in the file. The files from this repository are adapted for conversion to TensorFlow using DarkFlow.

  • From DarkNet website and repository: configuration files are stored in the cfg directory of the repository, links to weight files are given on the YOLOv1 and YOLOv2 websites.

To convert DarkNet YOLOv1 and YOLOv2 models to IR, follow the next steps:

  1. Install DarkFlow

  2. Convert DarkNet YOLOv1 or YOLOv2 model to TensorFlow using DarkFlow

  3. Convert TensorFlow YOLOv1 or YOLOv2 model to IR

You need DarkFlow to convert YOLOv1 and YOLOv2 models to TensorFlow. To install DarkFlow:

  1. Install DarkFlow required dependencies.

  2. Clone DarkFlow git repository:

    git clone
  3. Go to the root directory of the cloned repository:

    cd darkflow
  4. Install DarkFlow using the instructions from the file in the DarkFlow repository.

To convert YOLOv1 or YOLOv2 model to TensorFlow, go to the root directory of the cloned DarkFlow repository and run the following command:

python3 ./flow --model <path_to_model>/<model_name>.cfg --load <path_to_model>/<model_name>.weights --savepb

If the model was successfully converted, you can find the <model_name>.meta and <model_name>.pb files in built_graph subdirectory of the cloned DarkFlow repository.

File <model_name>.pb is a TensorFlow representation of the YOLO model.

Converted TensorFlow YOLO model is missing Region layer and its parameters. Original YOLO Region layer parameters are stored in the configuration <path_to_model>/<model_name>.cfg file under the [region] title.

To recreate the original model structure, use the corresponding yolo .json configuration file with custom operations and Region layer parameters when converting the model to the IR. This file is located in the <OPENVINO_INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf directory.

If chosen model has specific values of this parameters, create another configuration file with custom operations and use it for conversion.

To generate the IR of the YOLOv1 model, provide TensorFlow YOLOv1 or YOLOv2 model to the Model Optimizer with the following parameters:

python3 ./
--input_model <path_to_model>/<model_name>.pb       \
--batch 1                                       \
--scale 255 \
--transformations_config <OPENVINO_INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf/<yolo_config>.json


  • --batch defines shape of model input. In the example, --batch is equal to 1, but you can also specify other integers larger than 1.

  • --scale specifies scale factor that input values will be divided by. The model was trained with input values in the range [0,1]. OpenVINO toolkit samples read input images as values in [0,255] range, so the scale 255 must be applied.

  • --transformations_config adds missing Region layers to the model. In the IR, the Region layer has name RegionYolo. For other applicable parameters, refer to Convert Model from TensorFlow.


The color channel order (RGB or BGR) of an input data should match the channel order of the model training dataset. If they are different, perform the RGB<->BGR conversion specifying the command-line parameter: --reverse_input_channels. Otherwise, inference results may be incorrect. For more information about the parameter, refer to When to Reverse Input Channels section of Converting a Model to Intermediate Representation (IR).