Inference Engine Extensibility Mechanism

If your model contains operations not normally supported by OpenVINO, the Inference Engine Extensibility API lets you add support for those custom operations in a library containing custom nGraph operation sets, corresponding extensions to the Model Optimizer, and a device plugin extension. See the overview in the Custom Operations Guide to learn how these work together.

To load the Extensibility library to the InferenceEngine::Core object, use the InferenceEngine::Core::AddExtension method.

Inference Engine Extension Library

An Inference Engine Extension dynamic library contains the following components:


This documentation is written based on the Template extension, which demonstrates extension development details. You can review the complete code, which is fully compilable and up-to-date, to see how it works.

Execution Kernels

The Inference Engine workflow involves the creation of custom kernels and either custom or existing operations.

An operation is a network building block implemented in the training framework, for example, Convolution in Caffe*. A kernel is defined as the corresponding implementation in the Inference Engine.

Refer to the Model Optimizer Extensibility for details on how a mapping between framework operations and Inference Engine kernels is registered.

In short, you can plug your own kernel implementations into the Inference Engine and map them to the operations in the original framework.

The following pages describe how to integrate custom kernels into the Inference Engine: