namespace XMLParseUtils


XML helpers function to extract values from pugi::xml_node More…

namespace XMLParseUtils {

// global functions

int GetIntAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str);
int GetIntAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str, int defVal);
int64_t GetInt64Attr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str);

int64_t GetInt64Attr(
    const pugi::xml_node& node,
    const char* str,
    int64_t defVal

uint64_t GetUInt64Attr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str);

uint64_t GetUInt64Attr(
    const pugi::xml_node& node,
    const char* str,
    uint64_t defVal

unsigned int GetUIntAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str);

unsigned int GetUIntAttr(
    const pugi::xml_node& node,
    const char* str,
    unsigned int defVal

std::string GetStrAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str);

std::string GetStrAttr(
    const pugi::xml_node& node,
    const char* str,
    const char* def

bool GetBoolAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str);
bool GetBoolAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str, const bool def);
float GetFloatAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str);
float GetFloatAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str, float defVal);

InferenceEngine::Precision GetPrecisionAttr(
    const pugi::xml_node& node,
    const char* str

InferenceEngine::Precision GetPrecisionAttr(
    const pugi::xml_node& node,
    const char* str,
    InferenceEngine::Precision def

int GetIntChild(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str, int defVal);

} // namespace XMLParseUtils

Detailed Documentation

XML helpers function to extract values from pugi::xml_node

Global Functions

int GetIntAttr(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* str, int defVal)

Gets the integer attribute from pugi::xml_node



The node


The string identifying value name


The default value


An integer value