A GStreamer element to publish JSON data to a designated file, or a chosen message broker:

  1. File (default)

  2. MQTT broker

  3. Kafka broker

Build components

  1. Build libraries either through docker or on host machine

    Follow instructions here: https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/dlstreamer_gst/wiki/Install-Guide#install-message-brokers-optional Docker image built with Dockerfile will include all necessary dependencies for kafka/mqtt. If building on host machine these dependencies will be resolved by the install_metapublish_dependencies.sh script

  2. Run metapublish sample to test

  3. Create your own pipeline and add gvametapublish element with the following parameters:

    gvametapublish method=file filepath=/root/video-example/detections_2019.json
    • Optionally provide file-format=json-lines to have raw JSON inferences written to the file, or file-format=json (default) to have the file populated as an array of JSON inferences:

      gvametapublish method=file filepath="/root/video-examples/detections_2019.json" file-format=json-lines
    • To publish data to mqtt broker:

      `bash gvametapublish method=mqtt address= mqtt-client-id=clientIdValue topic=topicName `

    • To publish data to kafka broker:

      `bash gvametapublish method=kafka address= topic=topicName `

Note: *method is a required property of gvametapublish element.