Global Namespace


// namespaces

namespace CheckOperatorEqual;
namespace ExecGraphInfoSerialization;
namespace FileUtils;
namespace InferenceEngine;
    namespace InferenceEngine::CLDNNConfigParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::GNAConfigParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::GPUConfigParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::GPUContextParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::HeteroConfigParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::Metrics;
    namespace InferenceEngine::MultiDeviceConfigParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::PluginConfigInternalParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::PluginConfigParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::PrecisionUtils;
        namespace InferenceEngine::PrecisionUtils::details;
    namespace InferenceEngine::VPUConfigParams;
    namespace InferenceEngine::gpu;
    namespace InferenceEngine::itt;
        namespace InferenceEngine::itt::domains;
namespace XMLParseUtils;
namespace ngraph;
    namespace ngraph::builder;
    namespace ngraph::descriptor;
        namespace ngraph::descriptor::layout;
    namespace ngraph::element;
    namespace ngraph::file_util;
    namespace ngraph::onnx_import;
        namespace ngraph::onnx_import::detail;
        namespace ngraph::onnx_import::error;
            namespace ngraph::onnx_import::error::node;
    namespace ngraph::op;
        namespace ngraph::op::internal;
        namespace ngraph::op::util;
            namespace ngraph::op::util::detail;
            namespace ngraph::op::util::error;
        namespace ngraph::op::v0;
        namespace ngraph::op::v1;
        namespace ngraph::op::v3;
        namespace ngraph::op::v4;
        namespace ngraph::op::v5;
        namespace ngraph::op::v6;
        namespace ngraph::op::v7;
    namespace ngraph::opset1;
    namespace ngraph::opset2;
    namespace ngraph::opset3;
    namespace ngraph::opset4;
    namespace ngraph::opset5;
    namespace ngraph::opset6;
    namespace ngraph::opset7;
    namespace ngraph::pass;
    namespace ngraph::pattern;
        namespace ngraph::pattern::op;
    namespace ngraph::reduction;
    namespace ngraph::runtime;
namespace openvino;
    namespace openvino::itt;
namespace std;

// typedefs

typedef struct ie_core ie_core_t;
typedef struct ie_network ie_network_t;
typedef struct ie_executable ie_executable_network_t;
typedef struct ie_infer_request ie_infer_request_t;
typedef struct ie_blob ie_blob_t;
typedef struct ie_version ie_version_t;
typedef struct ie_core_version ie_core_version_t;
typedef struct ie_core_versions ie_core_versions_t;
typedef struct ie_config ie_config_t;
typedef struct ie_param ie_param_t;
typedef struct ie_param_config ie_param_config_t;
typedef struct desc desc_t;
typedef struct dimensions dimensions_t;
typedef struct tensor_desc tensor_desc_t;
typedef struct roi roi_t;
typedef struct input_shape input_shape_t;
typedef struct input_shapes input_shapes_t;
typedef struct ie_complete_call_back ie_complete_call_back_t;
typedef struct ie_available_devices ie_available_devices_t;
typedef char tchar;
typedef std::string file_name_t;
typedef std::unordered_map<ngraph::NodeTypeInfo, std::function<bool(const std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Node>&, ngraph::element::Type, size_t idx)>> type_to_fuse_map;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<ngraph::element::Type, ngraph::element::Type>> precisions_array;
typedef std::unordered_map<ngraph::Node::type_info_t, std::function<void(const ngraph::Node&, std::ostream&ss)>> visualize_tree_ops_map_t;

// enums

enum precision_e;
enum resize_alg_e;

// structs

struct desc;
struct ie_config;
struct ie_version;
struct parse_result;
struct roi;
struct roi_t;
struct tensor_desc;

// classes

template <InferenceEngine::Precision::ePrecision precision>
class BlobFactory;
class ConvertReduceBase;

// global variables


// global functions

ie_version_t ie_c_api_version(void);
void ie_version_free(ie_version_t* version);
void ie_param_free(ie_param_t* param);
IEStatusCode ie_core_create(const char* xml_config_file, ie_core_t** core);
void ie_core_free(ie_core_t** core);

IEStatusCode ie_core_get_versions(
    const ie_core_t* core,
    const char* device_name,
    ie_core_versions_t* versions

void ie_core_versions_free(ie_core_versions_t* vers);

IEStatusCode ie_core_read_network(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const char* xml,
    const char* weights_file,
    ie_network_t** network

IEStatusCode ie_core_read_network_from_memory(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const uint8_t* xml_content,
    size_t xml_content_size,
    const ie_blob_t* weight_blob,
    ie_network_t** network

IEStatusCode ie_core_import_network(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const char* file_name,
    const char* device_name,
    const ie_config_t* config,
    ie_executable_network_t** exe_network

IEStatusCode ie_core_import_network_from_memory(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const uint8_t* content,
    size_t content_size,
    const char* device_name,
    const ie_config_t* config,
    ie_executable_network_t** exe_network

IEStatusCode ie_core_export_network(
    ie_executable_network_t* exe_network,
    const char* file_name

IEStatusCode ie_core_load_network(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* device_name,
    const ie_config_t* config,
    ie_executable_network_t** exe_network

IEStatusCode ie_core_load_network_from_file(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const char* xml,
    const char* device_name,
    const ie_config_t* config,
    ie_executable_network_t** exe_network

IEStatusCode ie_core_set_config(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const ie_config_t* ie_core_config,
    const char* device_name

IEStatusCode ie_core_register_plugin(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const char* plugin_name,
    const char* device_name

IEStatusCode ie_core_register_plugins(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const char* xml_config_file

IEStatusCode ie_core_unregister_plugin(ie_core_t* core, const char* device_name);

IEStatusCode ie_core_add_extension(
    ie_core_t* core,
    const char* extension_path,
    const char* device_name

IEStatusCode ie_core_get_metric(
    const ie_core_t* core,
    const char* device_name,
    const char* metric_name,
    ie_param_t* param_result

IEStatusCode ie_core_get_config(
    const ie_core_t* core,
    const char* device_name,
    const char* config_name,
    ie_param_t* param_result

IEStatusCode ie_core_get_available_devices(
    const ie_core_t* core,
    ie_available_devices_t* avai_devices

void ie_core_available_devices_free(ie_available_devices_t* avai_devices);
void ie_infer_request_free(ie_infer_request_t** infer_request);

IEStatusCode ie_infer_request_get_blob(
    ie_infer_request_t* infer_request,
    const char* name,
    ie_blob_t** blob

IEStatusCode ie_infer_request_set_blob(
    ie_infer_request_t* infer_request,
    const char* name,
    const ie_blob_t* blob

IEStatusCode ie_infer_request_infer(ie_infer_request_t* infer_request);
IEStatusCode ie_infer_request_infer_async(ie_infer_request_t* infer_request);

IEStatusCode ie_infer_set_completion_callback(
    ie_infer_request_t* infer_request,
    ie_complete_call_back_t* callback

IEStatusCode ie_infer_request_wait(
    ie_infer_request_t* infer_request,
    const int64_t timeout

IEStatusCode ie_infer_request_set_batch(
    ie_infer_request_t* infer_request,
    const size_t size

void ie_network_free(ie_network_t** network);
IEStatusCode ie_network_get_name(const ie_network_t* network, char** name);

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_inputs_number(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    size_t* size_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_input_name(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    size_t number,
    char** name

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_input_precision(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    precision_e* prec_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_set_input_precision(
    ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    const precision_e p

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_input_layout(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    layout_e* layout_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_set_input_layout(
    ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    const layout_e l

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_input_dims(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    dimensions_t* dims_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_input_resize_algorithm(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    resize_alg_e* resize_alg_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_set_input_resize_algorithm(
    ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    const resize_alg_e resize_algo

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_color_format(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    colorformat_e* colformat_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_set_color_format(
    ie_network_t* network,
    const char* input_name,
    const colorformat_e color_format

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_input_shapes(
    ie_network_t* network,
    input_shapes_t* shapes

IEStatusCode ie_network_reshape(
    ie_network_t* network,
    const input_shapes_t shapes

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_outputs_number(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    size_t* size_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_output_name(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const size_t number,
    char** name

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_output_precision(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* output_name,
    precision_e* prec_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_set_output_precision(
    ie_network_t* network,
    const char* output_name,
    const precision_e p

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_output_layout(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* output_name,
    layout_e* layout_result

IEStatusCode ie_network_set_output_layout(
    ie_network_t* network,
    const char* output_name,
    const layout_e l

IEStatusCode ie_network_get_output_dims(
    const ie_network_t* network,
    const char* output_name,
    dimensions_t* dims_result

void ie_network_input_shapes_free(input_shapes_t* inputShapes);
void ie_network_name_free(char** name);

IEStatusCode ie_blob_make_memory(
    const tensor_desc_t* tensorDesc,
    ie_blob_t** blob

IEStatusCode ie_blob_make_memory_from_preallocated(
    const tensor_desc_t* tensorDesc,
    void* ptr,
    size_t size,
    ie_blob_t** blob

IEStatusCode ie_blob_make_memory_with_roi(
    const ie_blob_t* inputBlob,
    const roi_t* roi,
    ie_blob_t** blob

IEStatusCode ie_blob_make_memory_nv12(
    const ie_blob_t* y,
    const ie_blob_t* uv,
    ie_blob_t** nv12Blob

IEStatusCode ie_blob_make_memory_i420(
    const ie_blob_t* y,
    const ie_blob_t* u,
    const ie_blob_t* v,
    ie_blob_t** i420Blob

IEStatusCode ie_blob_size(ie_blob_t* blob, int* size_result);
IEStatusCode ie_blob_byte_size(ie_blob_t* blob, int* bsize_result);
void ie_blob_deallocate(ie_blob_t** blob);
IEStatusCode ie_blob_get_dims(const ie_blob_t* blob, dimensions_t* dims_result);
IEStatusCode ie_blob_get_layout(const ie_blob_t* blob, layout_e* layout_result);

IEStatusCode ie_blob_get_precision(
    const ie_blob_t* blob,
    precision_e* prec_result

void ie_blob_free(ie_blob_t** blob);
InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr make_blob_with_precision(const InferenceEngine::TensorDesc& desc);

InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr make_blob_with_precision(
    const InferenceEngine::TensorDesc& desc,
    void* ptr

InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr make_blob_with_precision(
    const InferenceEngine::TensorDesc& desc,
    const std::shared_ptr<InferenceEngine::IAllocator>& alloc

InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr make_plain_blob(
    InferenceEngine::Precision prec,
    const InferenceEngine::SizeVector dims

template <class... Args>
InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr make_blob_with_precision(
    InferenceEngine::Precision precision,
    Args&&... args

template <typename T>
void CopyVectorToBlob(
    const InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr outputBlob,
    const std::vector<T>& inputVector

int ie_memcpy(void* dest, size_t destsz, void const* src, size_t count);
parse_result ParseXml(const char* file_path);
ngraph::SlicePlan get_slice_plan(std::shared_ptr<ngraph::opset1::StridedSlice> slice);
NGRAPH_API const char* get_ngraph_version_string();

template <typename T>
std::vector<T> read_vector(std::shared_ptr<ngraph::runtime::Tensor> tv);

template <typename T>
std::vector<T> host_tensor_2_vector(ngraph::HostTensorPtr tensor);

std::vector<float> NGRAPH_API read_float_vector(std::shared_ptr<ngraph::runtime::Tensor> tv);
std::vector<int64_t> NGRAPH_API read_index_vector(std::shared_ptr<ngraph::runtime::Tensor> tv);

NGRAPH_API std::ostream& operator << (
    std::ostream& os,
    const ngraph::NodeVector& nv

// macros

#define AUTO_CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define CALL_OVERLOAD(name, exc_class, ctx, ...)
#define CLDNN_CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define CONFIG_VALUE(name)
#define COPY_TENSOR(a)
#define COUNT_ARGS_MAXN(...)
#define DECLARE_GPU_PARAM_KEY(name, ...)
#define DECLARE_VPU_CONFIG(name)
#define EXPAND_ARGS(args)
#define FOREACH_CHILD(c, p, tag)
#define GLUE(x, y)
#define GNA_CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define GNA_CONFIG_VALUE(name)
#define GPU_CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define GPU_METRIC_KEY(name)
#define GPU_PARAM_KEY(name)
#define GPU_PARAM_VALUE(name)
#define HETERO_CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define IE_DEFINE_PLUGIN_CREATE_FUNCTION(PluginType, version, ...)
#define IE_SET_METRIC_RETURN(name, ...)
#define IE_THROW(...)
#define METRIC_KEY(name)
#define METRIC_VALUE(name)
#define MULTI_CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define NGRAPH_API
#define NGRAPH_CHECK(...)
#define NGRAPH_CHECK_HELPER(exc_class, ctx, ...)
#define NGRAPH_CHECK_HELPER1(exc_class, ctx, check)
#define NGRAPH_CHECK_HELPER2(exc_class, ctx, check, ...)
#define NGRAPH_ERR
#define NGRAPH_OP(a, b)
#define NGRAPH_OP(a, b)
#define NGRAPH_OP(a, b)
#define NGRAPH_OP(a, b)
#define NGRAPH_OP(a, b)
#define NGRAPH_OP(a, b)
#define NGRAPH_OP(a, b)
#define NODE_VALIDATION_CHECK(node, ...)
#define OVERLOAD_MACRO(name, count)
#define OVERLOAD_MACRO1(name, count)
#define OVERLOAD_MACRO2(name, count)
#define OV_ITT_DOMAIN(...)
#define OV_ITT_GROUP(group)
#define OV_ITT_SCOPE(group, ...)
#define OV_ITT_SCOPED_TASK(...)
#define OV_ITT_SCOPE_CHAIN(group, ...)
#define OV_ITT_SCOPE_NEXT(group, ...)
#define OV_ITT_SCOPE_SKIP(group, chainId)
#define OV_ITT_TASK_CHAIN(...)
#define OV_ITT_TASK_NEXT(...)
#define OV_ITT_TASK_SKIP(chainId)

    _1_, \
    _2_, \
    _3_, \
    _4_, \
    _5_, \
    _6, \
    _7, \
    _8, \
    _9, \
    _10, \
    _11, \
    _12, \
    _13, \
    _14, \
    _15, \
    _16, \
    _17, \
    _18, \
    _19, \
    _20, \
    _21, \
    _22, \
    _23, \
    _24, \
    _25, \
    count, \
    ... \

#define TYPE_CASE(a)
#define USE_FACTORY(precision)
#define VPU_CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define VPU_CONFIG_VALUE(name)
#define VPU_HDDL_CONFIG_KEY(name)
#define VPU_HDDL_METRIC(name)
#define VPU_METRIC(name)
#define _NGRAPH_RTTI_DEFINITION_SELECTOR(_1, _2, _3, _4, NAME, ...)

    CLASS, \
    TYPE_NAME, \

#define cu32(x)
#define strncasecmp

Detailed Documentation

Global Functions

ie_version_t ie_c_api_version(void)

Returns number of version that is exported. Use the ie_version_free() to free memory.


Version number of the API.

void ie_version_free(ie_version_t* version)

Release the memory allocated by ie_c_api_version.



A pointer to the ie_version_t to free memory.

void ie_param_free(ie_param_t* param)

Release the memory allocated by ie_param_t.



A pointer to the ie_param_t to free memory.


#define AUTO_CONFIG_KEY(name)

A macro which provides an AUTO-mangled name for configuration key with name name

#define CLDNN_CONFIG_KEY(name)

shortcut for defining configuration keys

#define CONFIG_KEY(name)

shortcut for defining configuration keys

#define CONFIG_VALUE(name)

shortcut for defining configuration values

#define DECLARE_GPU_PARAM_KEY(name, ...)

Shortcut for defining object parameter keys.


Shortcut for defining possible values for object parameter keys.


shortcut for defining common Inference Engine ExecutableNetwork metrics

#define GNA_CONFIG_KEY(name)

Shortcut for defining configuration keys.

#define GNA_CONFIG_VALUE(name)

Shortcut for defining configuration values.

#define GPU_CONFIG_KEY(name)

shortcut for defining configuration keys

#define GPU_METRIC_KEY(name)

shortcut for defining GPU plugin metrics

#define GPU_PARAM_KEY(name)

Shortcut for defining configuration keys.

#define GPU_PARAM_VALUE(name)

Shortcut for defining configuration values.

#define HETERO_CONFIG_KEY(name)

Shortcut for defining HETERO configuration keys.


Uses assert() function if NDEBUG is not defined, InferenceEngine exception otherwise.


Generates extension creation function.


Generate Switch statement over error codes adn maps them to coresponding exceptions type.

#define IE_THROW(...)

A macro used to throw specified exception with a description.


Defines Inference Engine major version.


Defines Inference Engine minor version.


Defines Inference Engine patch version.

#define METRIC_KEY(name)

shortcut for defining common Inference Engine metrics

#define METRIC_VALUE(name)

shortcut for defining metric values

#define MULTI_CONFIG_KEY(name)

A macro which provides a MULTI-mangled name for configuration key with name name

#define NGRAPH_CHECK(...)

Macro to check whether a boolean condition holds.



Condition to check

Additional error message info to be added to the error message via the << stream-insertion operator. Note that the expressions here will be evaluated lazily, i.e., only if the cond evalutes to false.


if cond is false.


Helper macro that puts necessary declarations of RTTI block inside a class definition. Should be used in the scope of class that requires type identification besides one provided by C++ RTTI. Recommended to be used for all classes that are inherited from class ngraph::Node to enable pattern matching for them. Accepts necessary type identification details like type of the operation, version and optional parent class.

Applying this macro within a class definition provides declaration of type_info static constant for backward compatibility with old RTTI definition for Node, static function get_type_info_static which returns a reference to an object that is equal to type_info but not necessary to the same object, and get_type_info virtual function that overrides Node::get_type_info and returns a reference to the same object that get_type_info_static gives.

Use this macro as a public part of the class definition:

class MyOp : public Node
        // Don't use Node as a parent for type_info, it doesn't have any value and


class MyInheritedOp : public MyOp


To complete type identification for a class, use NGRAPH_RTTI_DEFINITION.


Complementary to NGRAPH_RTTI_DECLARATION, this helper macro defines items declared by NGRAPH_RTTI_DECLARATION. Should be used outside the class definition scope in place where ODR is ensured.

Examples (see corresponding declarations in NGRAPH_RTTI_DECLARATION description):

NGRAPH_RTTI_DEFINITION(MyInheritedOp, "MyInheritedOp", 1, MyOp)

For convenience, TYPE_NAME and CLASS name are recommended to be the same.



is a C++ name of the class where corresponding NGRAPH_RTTI_DECLARATION was applied.


a string literal of type const char* that names your class in type identification namespace; It is your choice how to name it, but it should be unique among all NGRAPH_RTTI_DECLARATION-enabled classes that can be used in conjunction with each other in one transformation flow.


is an unsigned integer index to distinguish different versions of operations that shares the same TYPE_NAME


is an optional direct or indirect parent class for this class; define it only in case if there is a need to capture any operation from some group of operations that all derived from some common base class. Don’t use Node as a parent, it is a base class for all operations and doesn’t provide ability to define some perfect subset of operations. PARENT_CLASS should define RTTI with NGRAPH_RTTI_{DECLARATION/DEFINITION} macros.


Macro to signal a code path that is unreachable in a successful execution. It’s implemented with NGRAPH_CHECK macro.


Additional error message that should describe why that execution path is unreachable.


if the macro is executed.

#define TYPE_CASE(a)

Used in evaluator switch statement so that the case type and evaluate call are guaranteed to have the types match.

Use this in an evaluate_*() function like this switch (arg0->get_element_type()) {TYPE_CASE(i8) (arg0, arg1, out, broadcast_spec); break; TYPE_CASE(i16) (arg0, arg1, out, broadcast_spec); break;

Each TYPE_CASE statement expands like this: case element::Type_t::a: rc = evaluate<element::Type_t::a>(arg0, arg1, out, broadcast_spec)

Don’t forget to put a break after each statement or it will fall through and generate a runtime error.

#define VPU_HDDL_CONFIG_KEY(name)

Shortcut for defining VPU HDDL configuration key.


Shortcut for defining VPU HDDL configuration value.

#define VPU_HDDL_METRIC(name)

Shortcut for defining VPU HDDL metric.


Shortcut for defining VPU MYRIAD configuration key.


Shortcut for defining VPU MYRIAD configuration value.