Install DL Workbench on Windows* OS

These instructions show how to run the DL Workbench from Docker Hub* on Windows. To run the DL Workbench on other operating systems, see Install DL Workbench on Docker Hub


To run DL Workbench on Windows, install Docker Desktop* (registration required). When the installation is complete, start Docker Desktop.

Run Docker Container on Windows OS


  • For this step, Docker Desktop must be running.
  • If you are behind corporate proxies, set them as described in Install from Docker Hub.
  • If you have run the DL Workbench before, pull the latest Docker image:
    docker pull openvino/workbench

Choose the container mode that works best for you and run the corresponding commands in Windows PowerShell*:

  • Interactive mode – a Docker container allows interactive processes in the DL Workbench terminal:
    docker run -p `
    --name workbench `
    -it openvino/workbench:latest
    Once a link appears in the console log, point your browser to

TIP: To stop a container in the interactive mode, press Ctrl + C.

  • Detached mode - a Docker container runs in the background of your terminal and does not receive input or display output:
    docker run -p `
    --name workbench `
    -d openvino/workbench:latest
    Wait for the DL Workbench to set up for about a minute. Once it is done, open the link.

    TIP: To stop a container in this mode, run the docker stop workbench command.
    To monitor logs in the detached mode, run docker logs workbench.

    When you open in your browser, the DL Workbench Active Projects page appears:

You have completed the instructions to run the DL Workbench in a Docker container on Windows. You are ready to work with models and sample datasets.