
Versioned name: ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs-6

Category: Sort

Short description: The ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs operation is TopK operation applied to probabilities of input ROIs.

Detailed description: The operation performs probabilities descending sorting for input ROIs and returns max_rois number of ROIs. Order of sorted ROIs with equal probabilities is undefined. If the number of ROIs is less than max_rois then operation returns all ROIs descended sorted and the output tensor is filled with undefined values for the rest of output tensor elements.


  • max_rois
    • Description: The max_rois attribute specifies maximal numbers of output ROIs.
    • Range of values: non-negative integer number
    • Type: int
    • Default value: 0
    • Required: no


  • 1: A 2D tensor of type T with shape [number_of_ROIs, 4] describing the ROIs as 4-tuples: [x1, y1, x2, y2]. Required.
  • 2: A 1D tensor of type T with shape [number_of_input_ROIs] contains probabilities for input ROIs. Required.


  • 1: A 2D tensor of type T with shape [max_rois, 4] describing max_rois ROIs with highest probabilities.


  • T: any supported floating point type.


<layer ... type="ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs" version="opset6">
<data max_rois="1000"/>
<port id="0">
<port id="1">
<port id="2" precision="FP32">