
Versioned name: *BatchNormInference-5

Category: Normalization

Short description: BatchNormInference layer normalizes a input tensor by mean and variance, and applies a scale (gamma) to it, as well as an offset (beta).


  • epsilon
    • Description: epsilon is the number to be added to the variance to avoid division by zero when normalizing a value. For example, epsilon equal to 0.001 means that 0.001 is added to the variance.
    • Range of values: a positive floating-point number
    • Type: float
    • Default value: None
    • Required: yes


  • 1: input - input tensor with data for normalization. At least a 2D tensor of type T, the second dimension represents the channel axis and must have a span of at least 1. Required.
  • 2: gamma - gamma scaling for normalized value. A 1D tensor of type T with the same span as input's channel axis. Required.
  • 3: beta - bias added to the scaled normalized value. A 1D tensor of type T with the same span as input's channel axis.. Required.
  • 4: mean - value for mean normalization. A 1D tensor of type T with the same span as input's channel axis.. Required.
  • 5: variance - value for variance normalization. A 1D tensor of type T with the same span as input's channel axis.. Required.


  • 1: The result of normalization. A tensor of the same type and shape with 1st input tensor.


  • T: any numeric type.

Mathematical Formulation

BatchNormInference normalizes the output in each hidden layer.

  • Input: Values of \(x\) over a mini-batch:

    \[ \beta = \{ x_{1...m} \} \]

  • Parameters to learn: \( \gamma, \beta\)
  • Output:

    \[ \{ o_{i} = BN_{\gamma, \beta} ( b_{i} ) \} \]

  • Mini-batch mean:

    \[ \mu_{\beta} \leftarrow \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}b_{i} \]

  • Mini-batch variance:

    \[ \sigma_{\beta }^{2}\leftarrow \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m} ( b_{i} - \mu_{\beta} )^{2} \]

  • Normalize:

    \[ \hat{b_{i}} \leftarrow \frac{b_{i} - \mu_{\beta}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{\beta }^{2} + \epsilon }} \]

  • Scale and shift:

    \[ o_{i} \leftarrow \gamma\hat{b_{i}} + \beta = BN_{\gamma ,\beta } ( b_{i} ) \]


<layer ... type="BatchNormInference" ...>
<data epsilon="9.99e-06" />
<port id="0"> <!-- input -->
<port id="1"> <!-- gamma -->
<port id="2"> <!-- beta -->
<port id="3"> <!-- mean -->
<port id="4"> <!-- variance -->
<port id="5">