Install Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit for Linux* Using APT Repository

This guide provides installation steps for Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit for Linux* distributed through the APT repository.

IMPORTANT: By downloading and using this container and the included software, you agree to the terms and conditions of the software license agreements. Please, review the content inside the <openvino_install_root>/licensing folder for more details.

NOTE: Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL™ is not a part of OpenVINO™ APT distribution. You can install it from the Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL™ GitHub repo.

Included with Runtime Package

The following components are installed with the OpenVINO runtime package:

Component Description
Inference Engine The engine that runs a deep learning model. It includes a set of libraries for an easy inference integration into your applications.
OpenCV* OpenCV* community version compiled for Intel® hardware.
Deep Learning Streamer (DL Streamer) Streaming analytics framework, based on GStreamer, for constructing graphs of media analytics components. For the DL Streamer documentation, see DL Streamer Samples, API Reference, Elements, Tutorial.

Included with Developer Package

The following components are installed with the OpenVINO developer package:

Component Description
Model Optimizer This tool imports, converts, and optimizes models that were trained in popular frameworks to a format usable by Intel tools, especially the Inference Engine. 
Popular frameworks include Caffe*, TensorFlow*, MXNet*, and ONNX*.
Inference Engine The engine that runs a deep learning model. It includes a set of libraries for an easy inference integration into your applications.
OpenCV* OpenCV* community version compiled for Intel® hardware
Sample Applications A set of simple console applications demonstrating how to use the Inference Engine in your applications.
Demo Applications A set of console applications that demonstrate how you can use the Inference Engine in your applications to solve specific use cases.
Additional Tools A set of tools to work with your models including Accuracy Checker utility, Post-Training Optimization Tool Guide, Model Downloader and other
Documentation for Pre-Trained Models Documentation for the pre-trained models available in the Open Model Zoo repo.
Deep Learning Streamer (DL Streamer) Streaming analytics framework, based on GStreamer*, for constructing graphs of media analytics components. For the DL Streamer documentation, see DL Streamer Samples, API Reference, Elements, Tutorial.

Set up the Repository

Install the GPG key for the repository

  1. Download the public key from and save it to a file.
  2. Add this key to the system keyring:
    sudo apt-key add <PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_GPG_KEY>
  3. Check the list of APT keys running the following command:
    sudo apt-key list

Add the APT Repository

Run the following command:

echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-openvino-2021.list

Update the list of packages

Run the update command:

sudo apt update

There are full release Runtime and Developer packages, and also some available components.

Runtime Packages

  • Ubuntu 18.04: intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu18
  • Ubuntu 20.04: intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu20

Developer Packages

  • Ubuntu 18.04: intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu18
  • Ubuntu 20.04: intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu20

Get the list of available packages

Run the apt-cache command to see a list of all available OpenVINO packages and components:

apt-cache search openvino


  • Runtime Packages

    On Ubuntu 18.04:

    sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu18

    On Ubuntu 20.04:

    sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu20
  • Developer Packages

    On Ubuntu 18.04:

    sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu18

    On Ubuntu 20.04:

    sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu20

Install the runtime or developer packages using the APT Package Manager

Intel® OpenVINO will be installed in: /opt/intel/openvino_<VERSION>.<UPDATE>.<BUILD_NUM>

A symlink will be created: /opt/intel/openvino_<VERSION>

To Install a specific version

To get a list of OpenVINO packages available for installation:

sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu18

To install a specific version of an OpenVINO package:

sudo apt install intel-openvino-<PACKAGE_TYPE>-ubuntu<OS_VERSION>-<VERSION>.<UPDATE>.<BUILD_NUM>


  • Runtime Package

    On Ubuntu 18.04:

    sudo apt install intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu18-2021.1.105

    On Ubuntu 20.04:

    sudo apt install intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu20-2021.1.105
  • Developer Package
    On Ubuntu 18.04:
    sudo apt install intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu18-2021.1.105
    On Ubuntu 20.04:
    sudo apt install intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu20-2021.1.105

To Uninstall a specific version

To uninstall a specific full runtime package:

sudo apt autoremove intel-openvino-<PACKAGE_TYPE>-ubuntu<OS_VERSION>-<VERSION>.<UPDATE>.<BUILD_NUM>

Additional Resources