Namespaces | Functions File Reference




Node ngraph.opset5.ops.batch_norm_inference (NodeInput data, NodeInput gamma, NodeInput beta, NodeInput mean, NodeInput variance, float epsilon, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform layer normalizes a input tensor by mean and variance with appling scale and offset. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.gather_nd (NodeInput data, NodeInput indices, Optional[int] batch_dims=0, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs GatherND. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.log_softmax (NodeInput data, int axis, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply LogSoftmax operation on each element of input tensor. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.non_max_suppression (NodeInput boxes, NodeInput scores, Optional[NodeInput] max_output_boxes_per_class=None, Optional[NodeInput] iou_threshold=None, Optional[NodeInput] score_threshold=None, Optional[NodeInput] soft_nms_sigma=None, str box_encoding="corner", bool sort_result_descending=True, str output_type="i64", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs NonMaxSuppression. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.round (NodeInput data, str mode="half_to_even", Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply Round operation on each element of input tensor. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.lstm_sequence (NodeInput X, NodeInput initial_hidden_state, NodeInput initial_cell_state, NodeInput sequence_lengths, NodeInput W, NodeInput R, NodeInput B, int hidden_size, str direction, List[str] activations=None, List[float] activations_alpha=None, List[float] activations_beta=None, float clip=0.0, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs LSTMSequence operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.hsigmoid (NodeInput data, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs HSigmoid. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.gru_sequence (NodeInput X, NodeInput initial_hidden_state, NodeInput sequence_lengths, NodeInput W, NodeInput R, NodeInput B, int hidden_size, str direction, List[str] activations=None, List[float] activations_alpha=None, List[float] activations_beta=None, float clip=0.0, bool linear_before_reset=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs GRUSequence operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.rnn_sequence (NodeInput X, NodeInput initial_hidden_state, NodeInput sequence_lengths, NodeInput W, NodeInput R, NodeInput B, int hidden_size, str direction, List[str] activations=None, List[float] activations_alpha=None, List[float] activations_beta=None, float clip=0.0, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs RNNSequence operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset5.ops.loop (NodeInput trip_count, NodeInput execution_condition, List[Node] inputs, GraphBody graph_body, List[TensorIteratorSliceInputDesc] slice_input_desc, List[TensorIteratorMergedInputDesc] merged_input_desc, List[TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc] invariant_input_desc, List[TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc] body_output_desc, List[TensorIteratorConcatOutputDesc] concat_output_desc, int body_condition_output_idx, int current_iteration_input_idx=-1, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform recurrent execution of the network described in the body, iterating through the data. More...