Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NInferenceEngineInference Engine C++ API
 Cparam_map_obj_getterThis wrapper class is used to obtain low-level handles from remote blob or context object parameters
 CD3DContextThis class represents an abstraction for GPU plugin remote context which is shared with Direct3D 11 device. The plugin object derived from this class can be obtained either with GetContext() method of Executable network or using CreateContext() Core call
 CD3DBufferBlobThis class represents an abstraction for GPU plugin remote blob which is shared with Direct3D 11 buffer. The plugin object derived from this class can be obtained with CreateBlob() call
 CD3DSurface2DBlobThis class represents an abstraction for GPU plugin remote blob which is shared with Direct3D 11 2D texture. The plugin object derived from this class can be obtained with CreateBlob() call
 CClContextThis class represents an abstraction for GPU plugin remote context which is shared with OpenCL context object. The plugin object derived from this class can be obtained either with GetContext() method of Executable network or using CreateContext() Core call
 CClBlobThe basic class for all GPU plugin remote blob objects. The OpenCL memory object handle (cl_mem) can be obtained from this class object
 CClBufferBlobThis class represents an abstraction for GPU plugin remote blob which can be shared with user-supplied OpenCL buffer. The plugin object derived from this class can be obtained with CreateBlob() call
 CClImage2DBlobThis class represents an abstraction for GPU plugin remote blob which can be shared with user-supplied OpenCL 2D Image. The plugin object derived from this class can be obtained with CreateBlob() call
 CVAContextThis class represents an abstraction for GPU plugin remote context which is shared with VA display object. The plugin object derived from this class can be obtained either with GetContext() method of Executable network or using CreateContext() Core call
 CVASurfaceBlobThis class represents an abstraction for GPU plugin remote blob which is shared with VA output surface. The plugin object derived from this class can be obtained with CreateBlob() call
 CCNNNetworkThis class contains all the information about the Neural Network and the related binary information
 CExecutableNetworkWrapper over IExecutableNetwork
 CInferRequestThis is an interface of asynchronous infer request.
 CVariableStateC++ exception based error reporting wrapper of API class IVariableState
 CIAllocatorAllocator concept to be used for memory management and is used as part of the Blob
 CBlobThis class represents a universal container in the Inference Engine
 CMemoryBlobThis class implements a container object that represents a tensor in memory (host and remote/accelerated)
 CTBlobRepresents real host memory allocated for a Tensor/Blob per C type
 CUserValueThe method holds the user values to enable binding of data per graph node
 CInferenceEngineProfileInfoRepresents basic inference profiling information per layer
 CResponseDescRepresents detailed information for an error
 CQueryNetworkResultResponse structure encapsulating information about supported layer
 CGeneralErrorThis class represents StatusCode::GENERIC_ERROR exception
 CNotImplementedThis class represents StatusCode::NOT_IMPLEMENTED exception
 CNetworkNotLoadedThis class represents StatusCode::NETWORK_NOT_LOADED exception
 CParameterMismatchThis class represents StatusCode::PARAMETER_MISMATCH exception
 CNotFoundThis class represents StatusCode::NOT_FOUND exception
 COutOfBoundsThis class represents StatusCode::OUT_OF_BOUNDS exception
 CUnexpectedThis class represents StatusCode::UNEXPECTED exception
 CRequestBusyThis class represents StatusCode::REQUEST_BUSY exception
 CResultNotReadyThis class represents StatusCode::RESULT_NOT_READY exception
 CNotAllocatedThis class represents StatusCode::NOT_ALLOCATED exception
 CInferNotStartedThis class represents StatusCode::INFER_NOT_STARTED exception
 CNetworkNotReadThis class represents StatusCode::NETWORK_NOT_READ exception
 CInferCancelledThis class represents StatusCode::INFER_CANCELLED exception
 CCompoundBlobThis class represents a blob that contains other blobs
 CNV12BlobRepresents a blob that contains two planes (Y and UV) in NV12 color format
 CI420BlobRepresents a blob that contains three planes (Y,U and V) in I420 color format
 CBatchedBlobThis class represents a blob that contains other blobs - one per batch
 CCoreThis class represents Inference Engine Core entity
 CDataThis class represents the main Data representation node
 CExtensionThis class is a C++ helper to work with objects created using extensions
 CICNNNetworkThis is the main interface to describe the NN topology
 CIExecutableNetworkThis is an interface of an executable network
 CDataConfigThis structure describes data configuration
 CLayerConfigThis structure describes Layer configuration
 CILayerImplThis class provides interface for extension implementations
 CILayerExecImplThis class provides interface for the implementation with the custom execution code
 CIExtensionThis class is the main extension interface
 CIInferRequestThis is an interface of asynchronous infer request
 CIVariableStateManages data for reset operations
 CInputInfoThis class contains information about each input of the network
 CBlockingDescThis class describes blocking layouts
 CTensorDescThis class defines Tensor description
 CROIThis structure describes ROI data for image-like tensors
 CLockedMemoryThis class represents locked memory for read/write memory
 CLockedMemory< void >This class is for <void*> data and allows casting to any pointers
 CLockedMemory< const T >This class is for read-only segments
 CParameterThis class represents an object to work with different parameters
 CPrecisionThis class holds precision value and provides precision related operations
 CPrecisionTraitParticular precision traits
 CPreProcessChannelThis structure stores info about pre-processing of network inputs (scale, mean image, ...)
 CPreProcessInfoThis class stores pre-process information for the input
 CRemoteBlobThis class represents an Inference Engine abstraction to the memory allocated on the remote (non-CPU) accelerator device
 CRemoteContextThis class represents an Inference Engine abstraction for remote (non-CPU) accelerator device-specific execution context. Such context represents a scope on the device within which executable networks and remote memory blobs can exist, function and exchange data
 CVersionRepresents version information that describes plugins and the inference engine runtime library
 CFactory< Key, T(Args...)>
 CScopedTaskUsed to annotate section of code which would be named at runtime
 CTaskChainUsed to annotate a sequence of sections of code which would be named at runtime