Configure Accuracy Settings

Accuracy measurement is an important stage of profiling your model in the DL Workbench. Along with performance, accuracy is crucial for assessing neural network quality. DL Workbench has a separate accuracy measurement process as well as it measures accuracy during INT8 calibration using the AccuracyAware optimization method. All parameters are propagated to the Accuracy Checker tool.

To get an adequate accuracy number, you need to correctly configure accuracy settings. Accuracy parameters depend on the model task type. To configure accuracy settings, click the gear sign next to the model name in the Configuration Settings table or go to the settings from the INT8 calibration tab before the optimization process. Once you have specified your parameters, you are directed back to your previous page, either the Configuration Settings table or the INT8 tab.

Accuracy settings depend on the model usage. Choose the usage-specific instructions from the list below:


  • DL Workbench does not support multi-input models, so make sure to use a single-input model. You can choose and download one of the Intel® Open Model Zoo models directly in the tool.
  • YOLO models of versions other than V2 and Tiny V2, like YOLO V3 or YOLO V5, are not supported.
  • Accuracy parameters of models from Intel® Open Model Zoo are already configured. You cannot change accuracy configurations for these models.

Possible problems with accuracy:

  • AccuracyAware optimization method that is used to measure accuracy is impossible to apply to certain model types, for example, language models. If you see an error message when trying to calibrate such a model, return to the Calibration Options page and select the Default method.
  • Accuracy close to zero may appear due to incorrectly configured parameters. Often users make mistakes when setting parameters such as Color space, Normalization scales, or Normalization means in the Conversion Settings before importing the model.


Specify Classification in the drop-down list in the Accuracy Settings:

Preprocessing Configuration

Preprocessing configuration parameters define how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize type Auto (default) Automatically scale images to the model input shape using the OpenCV* library.
Color space RGB
Describes the color space of images in a dataset. DL Workbench assumes that the IR expects input in the BGR format. If the images are in the RGB format, choose RGB, and the images will be converted to BGR before being fed to a network. If the images are in BGR, choose BGR and no additional color formatting will be applied to the images.
Normalization: mean [0; 255] Optional. The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels. Available for input with three channels only.
Normalization: standard deviation [0; 255] Optional. The values to divide image channels by. Available for input with three channels only.

Metric Configuration

Metric parameters specify rules to test inference results against reference values.

Parameter Values Explanation
Metric Accuracy (default) The rule that is used to compare inference results of a model with reference values
Top K [1; 100] The number of top predictions among which the correct class is searched for

Annotation Conversion Configuration

Annotation conversion parameters define conversion of a dataset annotation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Separate background class Yes
Select Yes if your model was trained on a dataset with background as an additional class. Usually the index of this class is 0.

Object Detection Single-Shot multibox Detection (SSD)

Specify Object Detection in the drop-down list in the Accuracy Settings:

Then specify SSD in the Model Type box that opens below.

Preprocessing Configuration

Preprocessing configuration parameters define how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize type Auto (default) Automatically scale images to the model input shape using the OpenCV library.
Color space RGB
Describes the color space of images in a dataset. DL Workbench assumes that the IR expects input in the BGR format. If the images are in the RGB format, choose RGB, and the images will be converted to BGR before being fed to a network. If the images are in BGR, choose BGR and no additional color formatting will be applied to the images.
Normalization: mean [0; 255] Optional. The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels. Available for input with three channels only.
Normalization: standard deviation [0; 255] Optional. The values to divide image channels by. Available for input with three channels only.

Post-Processing Configuration

Post-processing parameters define how to process prediction values and/or annotation data after inference and before metric calculation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Prediction boxes None
Resize boxes or apply Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) to make sure that detected objects are identified only once.

Metric Configuration

Metric parameters specify rules to test inference results against reference values.

Parameter Values Explanation
Metric mAP
The rule that is used to compare inference results of a model with reference values
Overlap threshold [0; 1] COCO precision specific. Minimal value for intersection over union to qualify that a detected bounding box coincides with a ground truth bounding box
Integral Max
11 Point
COCO precision specific. Integral type to calculate average precision
Max Detections Positive Integer mAP-specific. Maximum number of predicted results per image. If you have more predictions, results with minimum confidence are ignored.

Annotation Conversion Configuration

Annotation conversion parameters define conversion of a dataset annotation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Separate background class Yes
Select Yes if your model was trained on a dataset with background as an additional class. Usually the index of this class is 0.
COCO label-to-class mapping Model labels coincide with original COCO classes
Model labels conform to selected original COCO classes
For COCO datasets only. The method used to map class IDs to image indices.

Object Detection You Only Look Once (YOLO) V2 and YOLO Tiny V2

Specify Object Detection in the drop-down list in the Accuracy Settings:

Then specify YOLO V2 or YOLO Tiny V2 in the Model Type box that opens below.

NOTE: YOLO models of other versions, like YOLO V3 or YOLO V5, are not supported.

Preprocessing Configuration

Preprocessing configuration parameters define how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize type Auto (default) Automatically scale images to the model input shape using the OpenCV library.
Color space RGB
Describes the color space of images in a dataset. DL Workbench assumes that the IR expects input in the BGR format. If the images are in the RGB format, choose RGB, and the images will be converted to BGR before being fed to a network. If the images are in BGR, choose BGR and no additional color formatting will be applied to the images.
Normalization: mean [0; 255] Optional. The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels. Available for input with three channels only.
Normalization: standard deviation [0; 255] Optional. The values to divide image channels by. Available for input with three channels only.

Post-Processing Configuration

Post-processing parameters define how to process prediction values and/or annotation data after inference and before metric calculation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Prediction boxes None
Resize boxes or apply Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) to make sure that detected objects are identified only once.
NMS overlap [0; 1] Non-maximum suppression overlap threshold to merge detections

Metric Configuration

Metric parameters specify rules to test inference results against reference values.

Parameter Values Explanation
Metric mAP
The rule that is used to compare inference results of a model with reference values
Overlap threshold [0; 1] COCO precision specific. Minimal value for intersection over union to qualify that a detected bounding box coincides with a ground truth bounding box
Integral Max
11 Point
COCO precision specific. Integral type to calculate average precision
Max Detections Positive Integer mAP-specific. Maximum number of predicted results per image. If you have more predictions, results with minimum confidence are ignored.

Annotation Conversion Configuration

Annotation conversion parameters define conversion of a dataset annotation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Separate background class Yes
Select Yes if your model was trained on a dataset with background as an additional class. Usually the index of this class is 0.
COCO label-to-class mapping Model labels coincide with original COCO classes
Model labels conform to selected original COCO classes
For COCO datasets only. The method used to map class IDs to image indices.

Instance Segmentation

DL Workbench supports only TensorFlow* and ONNX* instance segmentation models. ONNX instance segmentation models have different output layers for masks, boxes, predictions, and confidence scores, while TensorFlow ones have a layer for masks and a layer for boxes, predictions, and confidence scores.

Example of an ONNX instance segmentation model: instance segmentation-security-0010
Example of a TensorFlow instance segmentation model: Mask R-CNN

Specify Instance Segmentation in the drop-down list in the Accuracy Settings:

Adapter Parameters

Adapter parameters define conversion of inference results into a metrics-friendly format.

Parameter Values Explanation
Input info layer im_info
Name of the layer with image metadata, such as height, width, and depth
Output layer: Masks boxes
TensorFlow-specific parameter. Boxes coordinates, predictions, and confidence scores for detected objects
Output layer: Boxes boxes
ONNX-specific parameter. Boxes coordinates for detected objects
Output layer: Classes boxes
ONNX-specific parameter. Predictions for detected objects
Output layer: Scores boxes
ONNX-specific parameter. Confidence score for detected objects

Preprocessing Configuration

Preprocessing configuration parameters define how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize type Auto (default) Automatically scale images to the model input shape using the OpenCV library.
Color space RGB
Describes the color space of images in a dataset. DL Workbench assumes that the IR expects input in the BGR format. If the images are in the RGB format, choose RGB, and the images will be converted to BGR before being fed to a network. If the images are in BGR, choose BGR and no additional color formatting will be applied to the images.
Normalization: mean [0; 255] Optional. The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels. Available for input with three channels only.
Normalization: standard deviation [0; 255] Optional. The values to divide image channels by. Available for input with three channels only.

Metric Configuration

Metric parameters specify rules to test inference results against reference values.

Parameter Values Explanation
Metric COCO Original Segmentation (default) The rule that is used to compare inference results of a model with reference values
Threshold start 0.5 Lower threshold of the intersection over union (IoU) value
Threshold step 0.05 Increment in the intersection over union (IoU) value
Threshold end 0.95 Upper threshold of the intersection over union (IoU) value

Annotation Conversion Configuration

Annotation conversion parameters define conversion of a dataset annotation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Separate background class Yes
Select Yes if your model was trained on a dataset with background as an additional class. Usually the index of this class is 0.

Semantic Segmentation

Specify Semantic Segmentation in the drop-down list in the Accuracy Settings:

Preprocessing Configuration

Preprocessing configuration parameters define how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize type Auto (default) Automatically scale images to the model input shape using the OpenCV library.
Color space RGB
Describes the color space of images in a dataset. DL Workbench assumes that the IR expects input in the BGR format. If the images are in the RGB format, choose RGB, and the images will be converted to BGR before being fed to a network. If the images are in BGR, choose BGR and no additional color formatting will be applied to the images.
Normalization: mean [0; 255] Optional. The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels. Available for input with three channels only.
Normalization: standard deviation [0; 255] Optional. The values to divide image channels by. Available for input with three channels only.

Post-Processing Configuration

Post-processing parameters define how to process prediction values and/or annotation data after inference and before metric calculation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Segmentation mask encoding Annotation (default) Transfer mask colors to class labels using the color mapping from metadata in the annotation of a dataset.
Segmentation mask resizing Prediction (default) Resize the model output mask to initial image dimensions.

Metric Configuration

Metric parameters specify rules to test inference results against reference values.

Parameter Values Explanation
Metric MEAN IOU (default) The rule that is used to compare inference results of a model with reference values
Argmax On (default) Argmax is applied because the model does not perform it internally. Argmaxing is required for accuracy measurements.

Annotation Conversion Configuration

Annotation conversion parameters define conversion of a dataset annotation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Separate background class Yes
Select Yes if your model was trained on a dataset with background as an additional class. Usually the index of this class is 0.
COCO label-to-class mapping Model labels coincide with original COCO classes
Model labels conform to selected original COCO classes
For COCO datasets only. The method used to map class IDs to image indices.

Image Inpainting

Specify Image Inpainting in the drop-down list in the Accuracy Settings:

Preprocessing Configuration

Preprocessing configuration parameters define how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Two types of masks can be applied to your image to measure its accuracy: rectangle and free form. Based on a masking type, you have two choose different sets of preprocessing parameters.

Rectangle masking

The rectangle means that there is a rectangle of specified with and height applied to the middle of the image. Example of the rectangle masking:

Free-form masking

The free-form masking means separate lines of specified lengths, widths, and vertex numbers. Example of the free-form masking:

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize type Auto (default) Automatically scale images to the model input shape using the OpenCV library.
Color space RGB,
Describes the color space of images in a dataset. DL Workbench assumes that the IR expects input in the BGR format. If the images are in the RGB format, choose RGB, and the images will be converted to BGR before being fed to a network. If the images are in BGR, choose BGR and no additional color formatting will be applied to the images.
Mask type Rectangle
The shape of the mask cut from an original model
Mask width Positive integer For rectangle masking. The rectangle width in pixels
Mask height Positive integer For rectangle masking. The rectangle height in pixels
Number of parts Positive integer For free-form masking. The number of autogenerated forms which will be cut from an original image
Maximum brush width Positive integer For free-form masking. The width of a form line in pixels
Maximum length Positive integer For free-form masking. The maximum length of a form edge in pixels
Maximum vertex count Positive integer greater than 2 For free-form masking. The maximum number of the vertices of a form
Inverse mask Yes
If your model uses inverse masking, reset it to regular masking by checking Yes.
Normalization: mean [0; 255] Optional. The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels. Available for input with three channels only.
Normalization: standard deviation [0; 255] Optional. The values to divide image channels by. Available for input with three channels only.

Metric Configuration

Metric parameters specify rules to test inference results against reference values.

Parameter Values Explanation
Metric SSIM,
The rule that is used to compare inference results of a model with reference values


Specify Super-Resolution in the drop-down list in the Accuracy Settings:

Preprocessing Configuration

Preprocessing configuration parameters define how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize type Auto (default) Automatically scale images to the model input shape using the OpenCV library.
Color space RGB
Describes the color space of images in a dataset. DL Workbench assumes that the IR expects input in the BGR format. If the images are in the RGB format, choose RGB, and the images will be converted to BGR before being fed to a network. If the images are in BGR, choose BGR and no additional color formatting will be applied to the images.
Normalization: mean [0; 255] Optional. The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels. Available for input with three channels only.
Normalization: standard deviation [0; 255] Optional. The values to divide image channels by. Available for input with three channels only.

Annotation Conversion Configuration

Annotation conversion parameters define conversion of a dataset annotation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Two streams Yes (default)
Specifies whether the selected model has the second input for the upscaled image.

Style Transfer

Specify Style Transfer in the drop-down list in the Accuracy Settings:

Preprocessing Configuration

Preprocessing configuration parameters define how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize type Auto (default) Automatically scale images to the model input shape using the OpenCV library.
Color space RGB
Describes the color space of images in a dataset. DL Workbench assumes that the IR expects input in the BGR format. If the images are in the RGB format, choose RGB, and the images will be converted to BGR before being fed to a network. If the images are in BGR, choose BGR and no additional color formatting will be applied to the images.
Normalization: mean [0; 255] Optional. The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels. Available for input with three channels only.
Normalization: standard deviation [0; 255] Optional. The values to divide image channels by. Available for input with three channels only.

Metric Configuration

Metric parameters specify rules to test inference results against reference values.

Parameter Values Explanation
Metric SSIM
The rule that is used to compare inference results of a model with reference values

See Also