
Versioned name: BinaryConvolution-1

Category: Convolution

Short description: BinaryConvolution convolution with binary weights, binary input and integer output


The operation has the same attributes as a regular Convolution layer and several unique attributes that are listed below:

  • mode
    • Description: mode defines how input tensor 0/1 values and weights 0/1 are interpreted as real numbers and how the result is computed.
    • Range of values:
      • xnor-popcount
    • Type: string
    • Default value: None
    • Required: yes
  • pad_value
    • Description: pad_value is a floating-point value used to fill pad area.
    • Range of values: a floating-point number
    • Type: float
    • Default value: None
    • Required: yes


  • 1: ND tensor with N >= 3, containing integer, float or binary values; filled with 0/1 values of any appropriate type. 0 means -1, 1 means 1 for mode="xnor-popcount". Required.
  • 2: ND tensor with N >= 3 that represents convolutional kernel filled by integer, float or binary values; filled with 0/1 values. 0 means -1, 1 means 1 for mode="xnor-popcount". Required.


  • 1: output tensor containing float values.