Namespaces | Functions File Reference




Node ngraph.opset3.ops.assign (NodeInput new_value, str variable_id, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces the Assign operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.broadcast (NodeInput data, NodeInput target_shape, Optional[NodeInput] axes_mapping=None, str broadcast_spec="NUMPY", Optional[str] name=None)
 Create a node which broadcasts the input node's values along specified axes to a desired shape. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.bucketize (Node data, NodeInput buckets, str output_type="i64", bool with_right_bound=True, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces the Bucketize operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.cum_sum (NodeInput arg, NodeInput axis, bool exclusive=False, bool reverse=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Construct a cumulative summation operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.embedding_bag_offsets_sum (Node emb_table, NodeInput indices, NodeInput offsets, Optional[NodeInput] default_index=None, Optional[NodeInput] per_sample_weights=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs sums of bags of embeddings without the intermediate embeddings. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.embedding_bag_packed_sum (NodeInput emb_table, NodeInput indices, Optional[NodeInput] per_sample_weights=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return an EmbeddingBagPackedSum node. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.embedding_segments_sum (Node emb_table, NodeInput indices, NodeInput segment_ids, Optional[NodeInput] num_segments=None, Optional[NodeInput] default_index=None, Optional[NodeInput] per_sample_weights=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return an EmbeddingSegmentsSum node. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.extract_image_patches (NodeInput image, TensorShape sizes, List[int] strides, TensorShape rates, str auto_pad, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces the ExtractImagePatches operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.gru_cell (NodeInput X, NodeInput initial_hidden_state, NodeInput W, NodeInput R, NodeInput B, int hidden_size, List[str] activations=None, List[float] activations_alpha=None, List[float] activations_beta=None, float clip=0.0, bool linear_before_reset=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform GRUCell operation on the tensor from input node. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.non_max_suppression (NodeInput boxes, NodeInput scores, Optional[NodeInput] max_output_boxes_per_class=None, Optional[NodeInput] iou_threshold=None, Optional[NodeInput] score_threshold=None, str box_encoding="corner", bool sort_result_descending=True, str output_type="i64", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs NonMaxSuppression. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.non_zero (NodeInput data, str output_type="i64", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.read_value (NodeInput init_value, str variable_id, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces the Assign operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.rnn_cell (NodeInput X, NodeInput initial_hidden_state, NodeInput W, NodeInput R, NodeInput B, int hidden_size, List[str] activations, List[float] activations_alpha, List[float] activations_beta, float clip=0.0, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform RNNCell operation on tensor from input node. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.roi_align (NodeInput data, NodeInput rois, NodeInput batch_indices, int pooled_h, int pooled_w, int sampling_ratio, float spatial_scale, str mode, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs ROIAlign. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.scatter_elements_update (NodeInput data, NodeInput indices, NodeInput updates, NodeInput axis, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces a ScatterElementsUpdate operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.scatter_update (Node data, NodeInput indices, NodeInput updates, NodeInput axis, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces a ScatterUpdate operation. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.shape_of (NodeInput data, str output_type="i64", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which produces a tensor containing the shape of its input data. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.shuffle_channels (Node data, int axis, int groups, Optional[str] name=None)
 Perform permutation on data in the channel dimension of the input tensor. More...
Node ngraph.opset3.ops.topk (NodeInput data, NodeInput k, int axis, str mode, str sort, str index_element_type="i32", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs TopK. More...