(Deprecated) Case Study: Converting SSD Models Created with TensorFlow* Object Detection API

This is a deprecated page. Please, consider reading this page describing new approach to convert Object Detection API models giving closer to TensorFlow inference results.

Converting Models Created with TensorFlow Object Detection API Version prior 1.6.0

As explained in the Sub-graph Replacement in Model Optimizer section, there are multiple ways to setup the sub-graph matching. In this example we are focusing on the defining the sub-graph via a set of "start" and "end" nodes. The result of matching is two buckets of nodes:

  • Nodes "between" start and end nodes.
  • Nodes connected to the first list, but just on the constant path (e.g. these nodes are not connected to the inputs of the entire graph).

Let's look closer to the SSD models from the TensorFlow* detection model zoo: SSD MobileNet and SSD InceptionV2.

  • Nodes "between" start and end nodes
  • Nodes connected to the first list, but just on the constant path (for example, these nodes are not connected to the inputs of the entire graph). Let's look closer to the SSD models from the TensorFlow* detection model zoo : SSD MobileNet and SSD InceptionV2.

A distinct layer of any SSD topology is the DetectionOutput layer. This layer is implemented with a dozens of primitive operations in TensorFlow, while in Inference Engine, it is one layer. Thus, to convert a SSD model from the TensorFlow, the Model Optimizer should replace the entire sub-graph of operations that implement the DetectionOutput layer with a single well-known DetectionOutput node.

The Inference Engine DetectionOutput layer consumes three tensors in the following order:

  1. Tensor with locations of bounding boxes
  2. Tensor with confidences for each bounding box
  3. Tensor with prior boxes (anchors in TensorFlow terminology)

DetectionOutput layer produces one tensor with seven numbers for each actual detection. There are more output tensors in the TensorFlow Object Detection API, but the values in them are consistent with the Inference Engine ones.

The difference with other examples is that here the DetectionOutput sub-graph is replaced with a new sub-graph (not a single layer).

Look at sub-graph replacement configuration file <INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf/legacy_ssd_support.json that is used to enable two models listed above:

"custom_attributes": {
"code_type": "caffe.PriorBoxParameter.CENTER_SIZE",
"confidence_threshold": 0.01,
"keep_top_k": 200,
"nms_threshold": 0.45,
"pad_mode": "caffe.ResizeParameter.CONSTANT",
"resize_mode": "caffe.ResizeParameter.WARP"
"id": "TFObjectDetectionAPIDetectionOutput",
"include_inputs_to_sub_graph": true,
"include_outputs_to_sub_graph": true,
"instances": {
"end_points": [
"start_points": [
"match_kind": "points"
"custom_attributes": {
"id": "PreprocessorReplacement",
"inputs": [
"node": "map/Shape$",
"port": 0
"node": "map/TensorArrayUnstack/Shape$",
"port": 0
"node": "map/TensorArrayUnstack/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3$",
"port": 2
"instances": [
"match_kind": "scope",
"outputs": [
"node": "sub$",
"port": 0
"node": "map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3$",
"port": 0

Key lines:

  • Lines 3-10 define static attributes that will be saved to the Intermediate Representation .xml file for DetectionOutput layer.
  • Lines 12 and 13 define values for attributes that should be always set to "true" for this release of the Model Optimizer. These two attributes are specific for sub-graph match by points only.
  • Lines 14-26 define one instance of the sub-graph to be match. It is an important difference between sub-graph matching by scope and points. Several instances could be specified for matching by scope, but matching with points allows specifying just one instance. So the full node names (not regular expressions like in case of match with scope) are specified in instances dictionary.

The second sub-graph replacer with identifier PreprocessorReplacement is used to remove the Preprocessing block from the graph. The replacer removes all nodes from this scope except nodes performing mean value subtraction and scaling (if applicable). Implementation of the replacer is in the <INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf/Preprocessor.py file.

Now let's analyze the structure of the topologies generated with the Object Detection API. There are several blocks in the graph performing particular task:

  • Preprocessor block resizes, scales and subtracts mean values from the input image.
  • FeatureExtractor block is a MobileNet or other backbone to extract features.
  • MultipleGridAnchorGenerator block creates initial bounding boxes locations (anchors).
  • Postprocessor block acts as a DetectionOutput layer. So we need to replace Postprocessor block with DetectionOutput layer. It is necessary to add all input nodes of the Postprocessor scope to the list start_points. Consider inputs of each of these nodes:
    • Postprocessor/Shape consumes tensor with locations.
    • Postprocessor/Slice consumes tensor with confidences.
    • Postprocessor/ExpandDims consumes tensor with prior boxes.
    • Postprocessor/Reshape_1 consumes tensor with locations similarly to the Postprocessor/Shape node. Despite the fact that the last node Postprocessor/Reshape_1 gets the same tensor as node Postprocessor/Shape, it must be explicitly put to the list.

Object Detection API Postprocessor block generates output nodes: detection_boxes, detection_scores, num_detections, detection_classes.

Now consider the implementation of the sub-graph replacer, available in the <INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf/SSDs.py. The file is rather big, so only some code snippets are used:

class PostprocessorReplacement(FrontReplacementFromConfigFileSubGraph):
replacement_id = 'TFObjectDetectionAPIDetectionOutput'

These lines define the new PostprocessorReplacement class inherited from FrontReplacementFromConfigFileSubGraph. FrontReplacementFromConfigFileSubGraph is designed to replace sub-graph of operations described in the configuration file. There are methods to override for implementing custom replacement logic that we need:

  • generate_sub_graph performs new sub-graph generation and returns dictionary where key is an alias name for the node and value is a Node objects. The dictionary has the same format as parameter match in the replace_sub_graph method in the example with networkx sub-graph isomorphism pattern. This dictionary is passed as argument to the next three methods, so it should contain entries the for nodes that the functions need.
  • input_edges_match specifies mapping between input edges to sub-graph before replacement and after replacement. The key of the dictionary is a tuple specifying input tensor of the sub-graph before replacement: sub-graph input node name and input port number for this node. The value for this key is also a tuple specifying the node where this tensor should be attached during replacement: the node name (or alias name of the node) and the input port for this node. If the port number is zero, the parameter could be omitted so the key or value is just a node name (alias). Default implementation of the method returns an empty dictionary, so Model Optimizer does not create new edges.
  • output_edges_match returns mapping between old output edges of the matched nodes and new sub-graph node and output edge index. The format is similar to the dictionary returned in the input_edges_match method. The only difference is that instead of specifying input port numbers for the nodes it is necessary to specify output port number. Of course, this mapping is needed for the output nodes only. Default implementation of the method returns an empty dictionary, so the Model Optimizer does not create new edges.
  • nodes_to_remove specifies list of nodes that Model Optimizer should remove after sub-graph replacement. Default implementation of the method removes all sub-graph nodes.

Review of the replacer code, considering details of the DetectionOutput layer implementation in the Inference Engine. There are several constraints to the input tensors of the DetectionOutput layer:

  • The tensor with locations must be of shape [#‍batch, #‍prior_boxes * 4] or [#‍batch, #‍prior_boxes * 5] depending on shared locations between different batches or not.
  • The tensor with confidences must be of shape [#‍batch, #‍prior_boxes * #‍classes] and confidences values are in range [0, 1], that is passed through softmax layer.
  • The tensor with prior boxes must be of shape [#‍batch, 2, #‍prior_boxes * 4]. Inference Engine expects that it contains variance values which TensorFlow Object Detection API does not add.

To enable these models, add Reshape operations for locations and confidences tensors and update the values for the prior boxes to include the variance constants (they are not there in TensorFlow Object Detection API).

Look at the generate_sub_graph method:

def generate_sub_graph(self, graph: nx.MultiDiGraph, match: SubgraphMatch):
log.debug('matched_nodes = {}'.format(match.matched_nodes_names()))
# softmax to be applied to the confidence
softmax_conf_op = Softmax(graph, {'axis': 2, 'nchw_layout': True})
softmax_conf_node = softmax_conf_op.add_node(dict(name='DetectionOutput_SoftMax_conf_'))
# Inference Engine DetectionOutput layer consumes flattened tensors
# reshape operation to flatten locations tensor
reshape_loc_op = Reshape(graph, {'dim': np.array([0, -1])})
reshape_loc_node = reshape_loc_op.add_node(dict(name='DetectionOutput_Reshape_loc_'))
# Inference Engine DetectionOutput layer consumes flattened tensors
# reshape operation to flatten confidence tensor
reshape_conf_op = Reshape(graph, {'dim': np.array([0, -1])})
reshape_conf_node = reshape_conf_op.add_node(dict(name='DetectionOutput_Reshape_conf_'))
# create Node object from Op class
detection_output_op = DetectionOutput(graph, match.custom_replacement_desc.custom_attributes)
detection_output_op.attrs['old_infer'] = detection_output_op.attrs['infer']
detection_output_op.attrs['infer'] = __class__.do_infer
detection_output_node = detection_output_op.add_node(dict(name=detection_output_op.attrs['type'] + '_'))
# create internal edges of the sub-graph. In this case we add edges to connect input port 0 and 1 of the
# detection output with output of reshape of locations and reshape of confidence
create_edge(softmax_conf_node, reshape_conf_node, 0, 0)
create_edge(reshape_loc_node, detection_output_node, 0, 0)
create_edge(reshape_conf_node, detection_output_node, 0, 1)
return {'detection_output_node': detection_output_node, 'reshape_conf_node': softmax_conf_node,
'reshape_loc_node': reshape_loc_node}

The method has two inputs: the graph to operate on and the instance of SubgraphMatch object, which describes matched sub-graph. The latter class has several useful methods to get particular input/output node of the sub-graph by input/output index or by node name pattern. Examples of these methods usage are given below.

Key lines:

  • Lines 6 and 7 create new instance of operation of type Softmax and graph Node object corresponding to that operation.
  • Lines 11-12 and 16-17 create new instance of operation of type Reshape to reshape locations and confidences tensors correspondingly.
  • Lines 20-23 create new instance of operation DetectionOutput and graph Node object corresponding to that operation.
  • Lines 27-29 connect softmax node with reshape node and connect two reshaped locations and confidences tensors with DetectionOutput node.
  • Lines 30-31 define dictionary with aliases for detection output node, reshape locations and confidences nodes. These aliases are used in the input_edges_match and output_edges_match methods.

The input_edges_match method is the following:

def input_edges_match(self, graph: nx.DiGraph, match: SubgraphMatch, new_sub_graph: dict):
locs_consumer_node, locs_consumer_node_port = match.input_nodes(0)[0]
conf_consumer_node, conf_consumer_node_port = match.input_nodes(1)[0]
priors_consumer_node, priors_consumer_node_port = match.input_nodes(2)[0]
# create matching nodes for locations and confidence tensors using simple scheme "old_node_name: new_node_name"
# which in fact means "(old_node_name, 0): (new_node_name, 0)", while first '0' means old_port and the second
# zero defines 'new_port'.
return {locs_consumer_node.id: new_sub_graph['reshape_loc_node'].id,
conf_consumer_node.id: new_sub_graph['reshape_conf_node'].id,
priors_consumer_node.id: (new_sub_graph['detection_output_node'].id, 2),

The method has three parameters: input graph, match object describing matched sub-graph and new_sub_graph dictionary with alias names returned from the generate_sub_graph method.

Key lines:

  • Lines 2-4 initialize Node objects and input ports for the nodes where the input tensors for the sub-graph are consumed. The method match.input_nodes(ind) returns list of tuples where the first element is a Node object and the second is the input port for this node which consumes the ind-th input tensor of the sub-graph. input_points list in the configuration file defines the order of input tensors to the sub-graph. For example, the locs_consumer_node object of type Node is a node that consumes tensor with locations in the port with number locs_consumer_node_port.
  • Lines 8-11 define dictionary with the mapping of tensors as described above. Note that the attribute id of the Node object contains the name of the node in the graph.

The output_edges_match method is the following:

def output_edges_match(self, graph: nx.DiGraph, match: SubgraphMatch, new_sub_graph: dict):
# the DetectionOutput in IE produces single tensor, but in TF it produces two tensors, so we need to create only
# one output edge match
return {match.output_node(0)[0].id: new_sub_graph['detection_output_node'].id}

The method has the same three parameters as input_edges_match method. The returned dictionary contains mapping just for one tensor initially produces by the first output node of the sub-graph (which is detection_boxes according to the configuration file) to a single output tensor of the created DetectionOutput node. In fact, it is possible to use any output node of the initial sub-graph in mapping, because the sub-graph output nodes are the output nodes of the whole graph (their output is not consumed by any other nodes).

Now, the Model Optimizer knows how to replace the sub-graph. The last step to enable the model is to cut-off some parts of the graph not needed during inference.

It is necessary to remove the Preprocessor block where image is resized. Inference Engine does not support dynamic input shapes, so the Model Optimizer must froze the input image size, and thus, resizing of the image is not necessary. This is achieved by replacer <INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf/Preprocessor.py which is executed automatically.

There are several Switch operations in the Postprocessor block without output edges. For example:


Model Optimizer marks these nodes as output nodes of the topology. Some parts of the Posprocessor blocks are not removed during sub-graph replacement because of that. In order to fix this issue, it is necessary to specify output nodes of the graph manually using the --output command line parameter.

Example Model Optimizer Command-Line for TensorFlow* SSD

The final command line to convert SSDs from the TensorFlow Object Detection API Zoo is:

./mo_tf.py --input_model=<path_to_frozen.pb> --tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config extensions/front/tf/legacy_ssd_support.json --output="detection_boxes,detection_scores,num_detections"

Converting MobileNet V2 model created with TensorFlow Object Detection API

The MobileNet V2 model differs from the previous version, so converting the model requires a new sub-graph replacement configuration file and new command line parameters. The major differences are:

  • The Preprocessor block has two outputs: the pre-processed image and the pre-processed image size.
  • The Postprocessor block has one more input (in comparison with models created with TensorFlow Object Detection API version 1.6 or lower): the pre-processed image size.
  • Some node names have been changed in the Postprocessor block.

The updated sub-graph replacement configuration file extensions/front/tf/ssd_v2_support.json reflecting these changes is the following:

"custom_attributes": {
"code_type": "caffe.PriorBoxParameter.CENTER_SIZE",
"confidence_threshold": 0.01,
"keep_top_k": 200,
"nms_threshold": 0.6,
"pad_mode": "caffe.ResizeParameter.CONSTANT",
"resize_mode": "caffe.ResizeParameter.WARP"
"id": "TFObjectDetectionAPIDetectionOutput",
"include_inputs_to_sub_graph": true,
"include_outputs_to_sub_graph": true,
"instances": {
"end_points": [
"start_points": [
"match_kind": "points"
"custom_attributes": {
"id": "PreprocessorReplacement",
"inputs": [
"node": "map/Shape$",
"port": 0
"node": "map/TensorArrayUnstack/Shape$",
"port": 0
"node": "map/TensorArrayUnstack/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3$",
"port": 2
"instances": [
"match_kind": "scope",
"outputs": [
"node": "sub$",
"port": 0
"node": "map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3$",
"port": 0

Example of Model Optimizer Command-Line for TensorFlow SSD MobileNet V2

The final command line to convert MobileNet SSD V2 from the TensorFlow Object Detection Zoo is the following:

./mo_tf.py --input_model=<path_to_frozen.pb> --tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config extensions/front/tf/ssd_v2_support.json --output="detection_boxes,detection_scores,num_detections"