ONNX* Importer API Tutorial

NOTE: This tutorial is deprecated. Since OpenVINO™ 2020.4 version, Inference Engine enables reading ONNX models via the Inference Engine Core API and there is no need to use directly the low-level ONNX* Importer API anymore. To read ONNX* models, it's recommended to use the Core::ReadNetwork() method that provide a uniform way to read models from IR or ONNX format.

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the ONNX* Importer API. This API makes it possible to create an nGraph Function object from an imported ONNX model.

All functions of the ONNX Importer API are in the onnx.hpp header file.

Two categories of API functions:

  • Helper functions that check which ONNX ops are supported in a current version of the ONNX Importer
  • Functions that read ONNX models from a stream or file and result in an nGraph function, which can be executed using the Inference Engine

Check Which ONNX Ops Are Supported

To list all supported ONNX ops in a specific version and domain, use the get_supported_operators as shown in the example below:

const std::int64_t version = 12;
const std::string domain = "ai.onnx";
const std::set<std::string> supported_ops = ngraph::onnx_import::get_supported_operators(version, domain);
for(const auto& op : supported_ops)
std::cout << op << std::endl;

The above code produces a list of all the supported operators for the version and domain you specified and outputs a list similar to this:


To determine whether a specific ONNX operator in a particular version and domain is supported by the importer, use the is_operator_supported function as shown in the example below:

const std::string op_name = "Abs";
const std::int64_t version = 12;
const std::string domain = "ai.onnx";
const bool is_abs_op_supported = ngraph::onnx_import::is_operator_supported(op_name, version, domain);
std::cout << "Abs in version 12, domain `ai.onnx`is supported: " << (is_abs_op_supported ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;

Import ONNX Model

To import an ONNX model, use the import_onnx_model function. The method has two overloads:

Refer to the sections below for details.

NOTE: The examples below use the ONNX ResNet50 model, which is available at the ONNX Model Zoo:

$ wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/download.onnx/models/opset_8/resnet50.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf resnet50.tar.gz

Once you create the ng_function, you can use it to run computation on the Inference Engine. As it was shown in Build a Model with nGraph Library, std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> can be transformed into a CNNNetwork.

Stream as Input

The code below shows how to convert the ONNX ResNet50 model to the nGraph function using import_onnx_model with the stream as an input:

const std::string resnet50_path = "resnet50/model.onnx";
std::ifstream resnet50_stream(resnet50_path);
const std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> ng_function = ngraph::onnx_import::import_onnx_model(resnet50_stream);
// Check shape of the first output, for example
std::cout << ng_function->get_output_shape(0) << std::endl;
// The output is Shape{1, 1000}
catch (const ngraph::ngraph_error& error)
std::cout << "Error when importing ONNX model: " << error.what() << std::endl;

Filepath as Input

The code below shows how to convert the ONNX ResNet50 model to the nGraph function using import_onnx_model with the filepath as an input:

const std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> ng_function = ngraph::onnx_import::import_onnx_model(resnet50_path);