Namespaces | Functions File Reference




Node ngraph.opset4.ops.ctc_loss (NodeInput logits, NodeInput logit_length, NodeInput labels, NodeInput label_length, Optional[NodeInput] blank_index=None, bool preprocess_collapse_repeated=False, bool ctc_merge_repeated=True, bool unique=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs CTCLoss. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.non_max_suppression (NodeInput boxes, NodeInput scores, Optional[NodeInput] max_output_boxes_per_class=None, Optional[NodeInput] iou_threshold=None, Optional[NodeInput] score_threshold=None, str box_encoding="corner", bool sort_result_descending=True, str output_type="i64", Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs NonMaxSuppression. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.softplus (NodeInput data, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply SoftPlus operation on each element of input tensor. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.mish (NodeInput data, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs Mish. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.hswish (NodeInput data, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs HSwish (hard version of Swish). More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.swish (NodeInput data, Optional[NodeInput] beta=None, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performing Swish activation function Swish(x, beta=1.0) = x * sigmoid(x * beta)). More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.acosh (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply hyperbolic inverse cosine function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.asinh (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply hyperbolic inverse sinus function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.atanh (NodeInput node, Optional[str] name=None)
 Apply hyperbolic inverse tangent function on the input node element-wise. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.proposal (Node class_probs, Node bbox_deltas, NodeInput image_shape, dict attrs, Optional[str] name=None)
 Filter bounding boxes and outputs only those with the highest prediction confidence. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.reduce_l1 (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 L1-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.reduce_l2 (NodeInput node, NodeInput reduction_axes, bool keep_dims=False, Optional[str] name=None)
 L2-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes. More...
Node ngraph.opset4.ops.lstm_cell (NodeInput X, NodeInput initial_hidden_state, NodeInput initial_cell_state, NodeInput W, NodeInput R, NodeInput B, int hidden_size, List[str] activations=None, List[float] activations_alpha=None, List[float] activations_beta=None, float clip=0.0, Optional[str] name=None)
 Return a node which performs LSTMCell operation. More...