Data Structures
Common optimization passes

A set of common optimization passes. More...

Data Structures

class  ngraph::pass::BidirectionalLSTMSequenceDecomposition
 Decompose LSTMSequence to forward and reverse LSTMSequence. More...
class  ngraph::pass::BidirectionalGRUSequenceDecomposition
 Decompose GRUSequence to forward and reverse GRUSequence. More...
class  ngraph::pass::BidirectionalRNNSequenceDecomposition
 Decompose RNNSequence to forward and reverse RNNSequence. More...
class  ngraph::pass::FakeQuantizeMulFusion
 This transformation looks for a FQ + Mul pair in the graph and moves the Mul operation above the FQ node. The last two inputs of FQ are multiplied by the value that was originally below the FQ node. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertBatchToSpace
 ConvertBatchToSpace transformation decomposes BatchToSpace layer to Reshape->Transpose->Reshape->Crop. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertExtractImagePatchesToReorgYolo
 ConvertExtractImagePatchesToReorgYolo transformation replaces ExtractImagePatches with a ReorgYolo op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertLSTMSequenceMatcher
 Converts LSTMSequence to legacy LSTMSequenceIE. SequenceIE op doesn't use seq_length input and num_direction (direction) attribute. We squeeze num_direction dimension for all corresponding inputs and unsqueeze them after the SequenceIE op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertGRUSequenceMatcher
 Converts GRUSequence to legacy GRUSequenceIE. SequenceIE op doesn't use seq_length input and num_direction (direction) attribute. We squeeze num_direction dimension for all corresponding inputs and unsqueeze them after the SequenceIE op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertRNNSequenceMatcher
 Converts RNNSequence to legacy RNNSequenceIE. SequenceIE op doesn't use seq_length input and num_direction (direction) attribute. We squeeze num_direction dimension for all corresponding inputs and unsqueeze them after the SequenceIE op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertPadToGroupConvolution
 ConvertPadToGroupConvolution transformation replaces Pad operation with GroupConvolution but has some restrictions on Pad parameters: More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertPrecision
 ConvertPrecision transformation convert precision for entire ngraph::Function List of supported precision conversion: FROM -> TO u8 -> i32 u16 -> i32 u32 -> i32 u64 -> i32 i64 -> i32 f16 -> f32 bool -> u8 bool -> i32. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertQuantizeDequantize
 ConvertQuantizeDequantize transformation replaces following graph: FakeQuantize->Convert->Convert->Subtract->Multiply with a single FakeQuantize. Restrictions: More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertScatterElementsToScatter
 ConvertScatterElementsToScatter convert opset3::ScatterElementsUpdate to opset3::ScatterUpdate. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ConvertSpaceToBatch
 ConvertSpaceToBatch transformation decomposes SpaceToBatch layer to Pad->Reshape->Transpose->Reshape. More...
class  ngraph::pass::DepthToSpaceFusion
 DepthToSpaceFusion transformation detects Reshape-Transpose-Reshape pattern and tries to fuse it into a single DepthToSpace layer. More...
class  ngraph::pass::GRUCellDecomposition
 GRUCellDecomposition transformation decomposes GRUCell layer with inputs X, H, W, R, B to Add, Split, MatMul, Multiply and Subtract ops according to the formula: (.) - Denotes element-wise multiplication. More...
class  ngraph::pass::HSwishDecomposition
 HSwishDecomposition transformation into sub-graph x * (min(Relu(x + 3), 6) * const(1/6). More...
class  ngraph::pass::HSwishFusion
 HSwishFusion transformation replaces various sub-graphs with a HSwish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::HSwishFusionWithReluDiv
 HSwishFusion transformation replaces a sub-graph (x * (min(Relu(x + 3), 6))) / 6 with a HSwish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::HSwishFusionWithReluMul
 HSwishFusion transformation replaces a sub-graph (x * (min(Relu(x + 3), 6)) * const(1/6) with a HSwish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::HSwishFusionWithoutRelu
 HSwishFusion transformation replaces a sub-graph x * (min(max(x + 3, 0), 6) / 6) with a HSwish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::HSwishFusionWithClamp
 HSwishFusion transformation replaces a sub-graph x * (Clamp(x + 3, 0, 6) * const(1/6)) with a HSwish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::InitNodeInfo
 InitNodeInfo transformation helps to set runtime info attributes in a single place. More...
class  ngraph::pass::LSTMCellDecomposition
 LSTMCellDecomposition transformation decomposes LSTMCell layer with inputs X, H, C, W, R, B to Add, Split, MatMul, Multiply ops according to the formula: (.) - Denotes element-wise multiplication. More...
class  ngraph::pass::MishFusion
 MishFusion transformation replaces group of operations: x * tanh(log(exp(x) + 1)) to Mish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::NormalizeL2Fusion
 NormalizeL2Fusion transformation replaces various sub-graphs with a NormalizeL2 op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::NormalizeL2FusionWithMax
 NormalizeL2FusionWithMax transformation replaces a sub-graph x/(max(sqrt(sum(x[j0, ..., jN]**2), eps)) with a NormalizeL2 op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::NormalizeL2FusionWithAdd
 NormalizeL2FusionWithAdd transformation replaces a sub-graph x/(add(sqrt(sum(x[j0, ..., jN]**2), eps)) with a NormalizeL2 op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::UselessStridedSliceEraser
 UselessStridedSliceEraser transformation removes StridedSlice operations with equal input and output shapes. More...
class  ngraph::pass::SharedStridedSliceEraser
 SharedStridedSliceEraser transformation replaces group of StridedSlice operations with first StridedSlice in this group. All SrtideSlices in this group must be equal and consume the same output port. More...
class  ngraph::pass::GroupedStridedSliceOptimizer
 GroupedStridedSliceOptimizer transformation replaces group of StridedSlice operations with VariadicSplit. All StridedSlice operations must slice data with the same axis and stride = 1. More...
class  ngraph::pass::StridedSliceOptimization
 StridedSliceOptimization transformation executes all transformations related to StridedSlice optimizations. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ReduceL1Decomposition
 Decomposes ReduceL1 into ReduceSum(abs(x)). More...
class  ngraph::pass::ReduceL2Decomposition
 Decomposes ReduceL2 into sqrt(ReduceSum(x * x)). More...
class  ngraph::pass::RNNCellDecomposition
 RNNCellDecomposition transformation decomposes RNNCell layer with inputs X, H, W, R, B to Add, MatMul ops according to the formula: More...
class  ngraph::pass::SoftPlusDecomposition
 SoftPlusDecomposition transformation replaces SoftPlus op to group of operations: log(exp(x) + 1). More...
class  ngraph::pass::SoftPlusFusion
 SoftPlusFusion transformation replaces group of operations: log(exp(x) + 1) to SoftPlus op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::SoftPlusToMishFusion
 SoftPlusToMishFusion transformation replaces group of operations: x * tanh(softplus(x)) to Mish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::SwishFusion
 SwishFusion transformation replaces various sub-graphs with a Swish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::SwishFusionWithSigmoid
 SwishFusionWithSigmoid replaces a sub-graphs x * Sigmoid(x) with a Swish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::SwishFusionWithSigmoidWithBeta
 SwishFusionWithSigmoid replaces a sub-graphs x * Sigmoid(x * beta) with a Swish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::SwishFusionWithBeta
 SwishFusionWithSigmoid replaces a sub-graphs x / (1.0 + exp(-x * beta)) with a Swish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::SwishFusionWithoutBeta
 SwishFusionWithSigmoid replaces a sub-graphs x / (1.0 + exp(-x)) with a Swish op. More...
class  ngraph::pass::ApplyTransformationsToTIBody
 Applies transformations from given pass::Manager for each TensorIterator body. More...
class  ngraph::pass::UnrollTensorIterator
 Unrolls the body of the TensorIterator layer. Multiple body copies, the number of which is determined by the number of iterations of the TensorIterator layer, are created and connected to each other and to the external network. If the number of TensorIterator iterations is greater than 1, then additional Concat and Split layers are added to the network. More...

Detailed Description

A set of common optimization passes.