gvapython Sample

This sample demonstrates gvapython element and ability to customize pipeline with application provided Python script for pre- or post-processing of inference operations. It typically used for interpretation of inference results and various application logic, especially if required in the middle of GStreamer pipeline.

How It Works

In this sample the gvapython element inserted into pipeline twice.

First time it inserted after gvainference element running on object detection model, this demonstrates custom conversion of model output into list of bounding boxes. See file ssd_object_detection.py with conversion function coded in Python.

Second time it inserted after gvaclassify element running on object classification model, this demonstrates custom conversion model output into object attributes (age and gender in this example). See file age_gender_classification.py with conversion function coded in Python.


The sample uses by default the following pre-trained models from OpenVINO™ Toolkit Open Model Zoo

  • face-detection-adas-0001 is primary detection network for finding faces
  • age-gender-recognition-retail-0013 age and gender estimation on detected faces

NOTE: Before running samples (including this one), run script download_models.sh once (the script located in samples top folder) to download all models required for this and other samples.


If Python requirements are not installed yet:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install -r ../../../../requirements.txt
cd -

Run sample:

./face_detection_and_classification.sh [INPUT_VIDEO]

If command-line parameter not specified, the sample by default streams video example from HTTPS link (utilizing urisourcebin element) so requires internet conection. The command-line parameter INPUT_VIDEO allows to change input video and supports

  • local video file
  • web camera device (ex. /dev/video0)
  • RTSP camera (URL starting with rtsp://) or other streaming source (ex URL starting with http://)

Sample Output

The sample

  • prints gst-launch-1.0 full command line into console
  • starts the command and visualizes video with bouding boxes around detected faces, facial landmarks points and text with classification results (age/gender, emotion) for each detected face

See also