
Versioned name: Pad-1

Category: Data movement operations

Short description: Pad operation extends an input tensor on edges. The amount and value of padded elements are defined by inputs and attributes.




Detailed Description

The attributes specify a number of elements to add along each axis and a rule by which new element values are generated: for example, whether they are filled with a given constant or generated based on the input tensor content.

The following examples illustrate how output tensor is generated for the Pad layer for a given input tensor:

[[ 1 2 3 4 ]
[ 5 6 7 8 ]
[ 9 10 11 12 ]]

with the following attributes:

pads_begin = [0, 1]
pads_end = [2, 3]

depending on the pad_mode.


<layer ... type="Pad" ...>
<data pad_mode="constant"/>
<port id="0">
<port id="1">
<port id="2">
<port id="3">
<port id="0">