
Versioned name: Broadcast-1

Category: Data movement

Short description: Broadcast replicates data on the first input to fit a given shape on the second input.

Detailed description:

Broadcast takes the first tensor data and, following broadcasting rules that are specified by mode attribute and the 3rd input axes_mapping, builds a new tensor with shape matching the 2nd input tensor target_shape. target_shape input is a 1D integer tensor that represents required shape of the output.

Attribute mode and the 3rd input axes_mapping are relevant for cases when rank of the input data tensor doesn't match the size of the target_shape input. They both define how axes from data shape are mapped to the output axes. If mode is set to numpy, it means that the standard one-directional numpy broadcasting rules are applied. They are similar to rules that applied in all binary element-wise operations in case when auto_broadcasting attribute is set to numpy, and are similar to rules described at here, when only one-directional broadcasting is applied: input tensor data is broadcasted to target_shape but not vice-versa.

In case if mode is set to explicit, then 3rd input axes_mapping comes to play. It contains a list of axis indices, each index maps an axis from the 1st input tensor data to axis in the output. The size of axis_mapping should match the rank of input data tensor, so all axes from data tensor should be mapped to axes of the output.

For example, axes_mapping = [1] enables broadcasting of a tensor with shape [C] to shape [N,C,H,W] by replication of initial tensor along dimensions 0, 2 and 3. Another example is broadcasting of tensor with shape [H,W] to shape [N,H,W,C] with axes_mapping = [1, 2]. Both examples requires mode set to explicit and providing mentioned axes_mapping input, because such operations cannot be expressed with axes_mapping set to numpy.





<layer ... type="Broadcast" ...>
<data mode="numpy"/>
<port id="0">
<port id="1">
<port id="2">
<layer ... type="Broadcast" ...>
<data mode="explicit"/>
<port id="0">
<port id="1">
<port id="1">
<port id="2">
<layer ... type="Broadcast" ...>
<data mode="explicit"/>
<port id="0">
<port id="1">
<port id="1">
<port id="2">