
Versioned name: Proposal-1

Category: Object detection

Short description: Proposal operation filters bounding boxes and outputs only those with the highest prediction confidence.

Detailed description

Proposal has three inputs: a tensor with probabilities whether particular bounding box corresponds to background and foreground, a tensor with logits for each of the bounding boxes, a tensor with input image size in the [image_height, image_width, scale_height_and_width] or [image_height, image_width, scale_height, scale_width] format. The produced tensor has two dimensions [batch_size * post_nms_topn, 5]. Proposal layer does the following with the input tensor:

  1. Generates initial anchor boxes. Left top corner of all boxes is at (0, 0). Width and height of boxes are calculated from base_size with scale and ratio attributes.
  2. For each point in the first input tensor:
    • pins anchor boxes to the image according to the second input tensor that contains four deltas for each box: for x and y of center, for width and for height
    • finds out score in the first input tensor
  3. Filters out boxes with size less than min_size
  4. Sorts all proposals (box, score) by score from highest to lowest
  5. Takes top pre_nms_topn proposals
  6. Calculates intersections for boxes and filter out all boxes with $intersection/union > nms\_thresh$
  7. Takes top post_nms_topn proposals
  8. Returns top proposals




<layer ... type="Proposal" ... >
<data base_size="16" feat_stride="16" min_size="16" nms_thresh="0.6" post_nms_topn="200" pre_nms_topn="6000"
ratio="2.67" scale="4.0,6.0,9.0,16.0,24.0,32.0"/>
<input> ... </input>
<output> ... </output>