
Versioned name: PriorBoxClustered-1

Category: Object detection

Short description: PriorBoxClustered operation generates prior boxes of specified sizes normalized to the input image size.




Detailed description

PriorBoxClustered computes coordinates of prior boxes by following:

  1. Calculates the center_x and center_y of prior box:

    \[ W \equiv Width \quad Of \quad Image \]

    \[ H \equiv Height \quad Of \quad Image \]

    \[ center_x=(w+offset)*step \]

    \[ center_y=(h+offset)*step \]

    \[ w \subset \left( 0, W \right ) \]

    \[ h \subset \left( 0, H \right ) \]

  2. For each $s \subset \left( 0, W \right )$ calculates the prior boxes coordinates:

    \[ xmin = \frac{center_x - \frac{width_s}{2}}{W} \]

    \[ ymin = \frac{center_y - \frac{height_s}{2}}{H} \]

    \[ xmax = \frac{center_x - \frac{width_s}{2}}{W} \]

    \[ ymax = \frac{center_y - \frac{height_s}{2}}{H} \]

    If clip is defined, the coordinates of prior boxes are recalculated with the formula: $coordinate = \min(\max(coordinate,0), 1)$


<layer type="PriorBoxClustered" ... >
<data clip="0" flip="1" height="44.0,10.0,30.0,19.0,94.0,32.0,61.0,53.0,17.0" offset="0.5" step="16.0" variance="0.1,0.1,0.2,0.2" width="86.0,13.0,57.0,39.0,68.0,34.0,142.0,50.0,23.0"/>
<port id="0">
<port id="1">
<port id="2">