
Versioned name: DetectionOutput-1

Category: Object detection

Short description: DetectionOutput performs non-maximum suppression to generate the detection output using information on location and confidence predictions.

Detailed description: Reference. The layer has 3 mandatory inputs: tensor with box logits, tensor with confidence predictions and tensor with box coordinates (proposals). It can have 2 additional inputs with additional confidence predictions and box coordinates described in the article. The 5-input version of the layer is supported with Myriad plugin only. The output tensor contains information about filtered detections described with 7 element tuples: [batch_id, class_id, confidence, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2]. The first tuple with batch_id equal to *-1* means end of output.

At each feature map cell, DetectionOutput predicts the offsets relative to the default box shapes in the cell, as well as the per-class scores that indicate the presence of a class instance in each of those boxes. Specifically, for each box out of k at a given location, DetectionOutput computes class scores and the four offsets relative to the original default box shape. This results in a total of $(c + 4)k$ filters that are applied around each location in the feature map, yielding $(c + 4)kmn$ outputs for a m * n feature map.




<layer ... type="DetectionOutput" ... >
<data num_classes="21" share_location="1" background_label_id="0" nms_threshold="0.450000" top_k="400" input_height="1" input_width="1" code_type="caffe.PriorBoxParameter.CENTER_SIZE" variance_encoded_in_target="0" keep_top_k="200" confidence_threshold="0.010000"/>
<input> ... </input>
<output> ... </output>