
Use Case and High-Level Description

This is a Caffe2* version of squeezenet1.1 model, designed to perform image classification. This model was converted from Caffe* to Caffe2* format. For details see repository https://github.com/caffe2/models/tree/master/squeezenet, paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07360.



Metric Value
Type Classification
GFLOPs 0.784
MParams 1.235
Source framework Caffe2*


Metric Value
Top 1 56.502%
Top 5 79.576%



Original model

Image, name - data, shape - 1,3,227,227, format is B,C,H,W where:

Channel order is BGR. Mean values - [103.96,116.78,123.68].

Converted model

Image, name - data, shape - 1,3,227,227, format is B,C,H,W where:

Channel order is BGR.


Original model

Object classifier according to ImageNet classes, name - softmaxout, shape - 1,1000, output data format is B,C where:

Converted model

Object classifier according to ImageNet classes, name - softmaxout, shape - 1,1000, output data format is B,C where:

Legal Information

The original model is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. A copy of the license is provided in APACHE-2.0.txt.