
Use Case and High-Level Description

This is a person detector that is based on Cascade R-CNN architecture with ResNet50 backbone.




Metric Value
AP 94.54% (internal test set)
Pose coverage Standing upright, parallel to image plane
Support of occluded persons YES
Occlusion coverage <50%
Min person height 100 pixels (on 1080p)
GFlops 404.264
MParams 71.565
Source framework PyTorch*

Average Precision (AP) is defined as an area under the precision/recall curve. Intersection over union threshold of 0.5 is used for matching.



Name: input, shape: [1x3x800x1344] - An input image in the format [BxCxHxW], where:

Expected color order is BGR.


  1. The boxes is a blob with the shape [N, 5], where N is the number of detected bounding boxes. For each detection, the description has the format [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, conf], where:
    • (x_min, y_min) - coordinates of the top left bounding box corner
    • (x_max, y_max) - coordinates of the bottom right bounding box corner
    • conf - confidence for the predicted class
  2. The labels is a blob with the shape [N], where N is the number of detected bounding boxes. It contains label per each detected box.

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