Build a Model with nGraph Library

This section illustrates how to construct an nGraph function composed of operations from the opset1 namespace. Once created, it can wrap into a CNNNetwork, creating utility for data scientists or app developers to define a deep-learning model in a neutral way that does not depend on existing Deep Learning (DL) frameworks.

Operation Set `opset1` integrates a list of nGraph Pre-compiled operations that work for this purpose. In other words, opset1 defines the set of ops useful for building a graph.

const NGRAPH_API OpSet& get_opset1();

To add custom nGraph operations to an existing CNNNetwork, see the Add Custom nGraph Operations document.

Now that you can build graphs with anything from the opset1 definition, some parameters for shape-relevant (or shape-specific) inputs can be added. The following code prepares a graph for shape-relevant parameters.

NOTE: validate_nodes_and_infer_types(ops) must be included for partial shape inference.

#include "ngraph/opsets/opset.hpp"
#include "ngraph/opsets/opset1.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace ngraph;
auto arg0 = make_shared<opset1::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{7});
auto arg1 = make_shared<opset1::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{7});
auto arg2 = make_shared<opset1::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{7});
auto arg3 = make_shared<opset1::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{7});
// Create an 'Add' operation with two inputs 'arg0' and 'arg1'
auto add0 = make_shared<opset1::Add>(arg0, arg1);
auto abs0 = make_shared<opset1::Abs>(add0);
// Create a node whose inputs/attributes will be specified later
auto acos0 = make_shared<opset1::Acos>();
// Create a node using opset factories
auto add1 = shared_ptr<Node>(get_opset1().create("Add"));
// Set inputs to nodes explicitly
acos0->set_argument(0, add0);
add1->set_argument(0, acos0);
add1->set_argument(1, abs0);
// Run shape inference on the nodes
NodeVector ops{arg0, arg1, add0, abs0, acos0, add1};
// Create a graph with one output (add1) and four inputs (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
auto ng_function = make_shared<Function>(OutputVector{add1}, ParameterVector{arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3});

To wrap it into a CNNNetwork, use:

CNNNetwork net (ng_function);

See Also