Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3 //
5 /**
6  * @brief This is a header file for the ICNNNetwork class
7  * @file ie_icnn_network.hpp
8  */
9 #pragma once
11 #include "ie_common.h"
12 #include "ie_layers.h"
13 #include "ie_data.h"
14 #include "ie_device.hpp"
15 #include "ie_blob.h"
16 #include "details/ie_irelease.hpp"
17 #include "ie_preprocess.hpp"
18 #include "ie_input_info.hpp"
19 #include "ie_icnn_network_stats.hpp"
20 #include "ie_iextension.h"
21 #include <memory>
22 #include <map>
23 #include <string>
25 namespace InferenceEngine {
27 /**
28  * @brief A collection that contains string as key, and Data smart pointer as value
29  */
30 using OutputsDataMap = std::map<std::string, DataPtr>;
32 /**
33  * @brief This is the main interface to describe the NN topology
34  */
35 class ICNNNetwork : public details::IRelease {
36 public:
37  using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<ICNNNetwork>;
39  /**
40  * @brief Returns the main network operating precision.
41  * This may be MIXED if not homogeneous.
42  * @return A precision type
43  */
44  virtual Precision getPrecision() const noexcept = 0;
46  /**
47  * @brief Gets the network output Data node information. The received info is stored in the given Data node.
48  * For single and multiple outputs networks.
49  * @param out Reference to the OutputsDataMap object
50  */
51  virtual void getOutputsInfo(OutputsDataMap& out) const noexcept = 0;
53  /**
54  * @brief Gets the network input Data node information. The received info is stored in the given InputsDataMap object.
55  * For single and multiple inputs networks.
56  * This method must be called to find out input names for using them later during filling of a map
57  * of blobs passed later to InferenceEngine::IInferencePlugin::Infer()
58  * @param inputs Reference to InputsDataMap object.
59  */
60  virtual void getInputsInfo(InputsDataMap& inputs) const noexcept = 0;
63  /**
64  * @brief Returns information on certain input pointed by inputName
65  * @param inputName Name of input layer to get info on
66  * @return A smart pointer to the input information
67  */
68  virtual InputInfo::Ptr getInput(const std::string& inputName) const noexcept = 0;
70  /**
71  * @brief Gets the network name. The name is stored in the given pName string.
72  * @param pName - will receive actual network name, specified in IR file,
73  * pName should point to valid memory address before invoking this function
74  * @param len - size in bytes of pName buffer, actual name is trimmed by this size
75  */
76  virtual void getName(char* pName, size_t len) const noexcept = 0;
78  /**
79  * @brief Returns the network name.
80  * @return Network name
81  */
82  virtual const std::string& getName() const noexcept = 0;
84  /**
85  * @brief Returns the number of layers in the network as an integer value
86  * @return The number of layers as an integer value
87  */
88  virtual size_t layerCount() const noexcept = 0;
90  /**
91  * @brief Returns a smart pointer reference to a Data node given its name.
92  * If the Data node is missing, returns reference to a default initialized new empty data pointer with given name.
93  * @param dname Name of the Data node
94  * @return Data node smart pointer
95  */
96  virtual DataPtr& getData(const char* dname) noexcept = 0;
98  /**
99  * @brief Insert a layer into the network. A user is responsible to connect it to other data elements.
100  * @param layer Const reference to a layer smart pointer
101  */
102  virtual void addLayer(const CNNLayerPtr& layer) noexcept = 0;
104  /**
105  * @brief Adds output to the layer
106  * @param layerName Name of the layer
107  * @param outputIndex Index of the output
108  * @param resp Response message
109  * @return Status code of the operation
110  */
111  virtual StatusCode
112  addOutput(const std::string& layerName, size_t outputIndex = 0, ResponseDesc* resp = nullptr) noexcept = 0;
114  /**
115  * @brief Gets network layer with the given name
116  * @param layerName Given name of the layer
117  * @param out Pointer to the found CNNLayer object with the given name
118  * @param resp Pointer to the response message that holds a description of an error if any occurred
119  * @return Status code of the operation. OK if succeeded
120  */
121  virtual StatusCode getLayerByName(const char* layerName, CNNLayerPtr& out, ResponseDesc* resp) const noexcept = 0;
123  /**
124  * @deprecated Deprecated since TargetDevice is deprecated. Specify target device in InferenceEngine::Core directly.
125  * @brief Sets a desirable device to perform all work on.
126  * Some plug-ins might not support some target devices and may abort execution with an appropriate error message.
127  * @param device Device to set as a target
128  */
129  #ifndef _WIN32
131  #endif
132  virtual void setTargetDevice(TargetDevice device) noexcept = 0;
134  /**
135  * @deprecated Deprecated since TargetDevice is deprecated
136  * @brief Gets the target device.
137  * If setTargetDevice() was not called before, returns eDefault
138  * @return A TargetDevice instance
139  */
140  #ifndef _WIN32
142  #endif
143  virtual TargetDevice getTargetDevice() const noexcept = 0;
145  /**
146  * @deprecated Use ICNNNetwork::setBatchSize(size_t, ResponseDesc*)
147  * @brief Changes the inference batch size
148  */
150  virtual StatusCode setBatchSize(const size_t size) noexcept {
151  ResponseDesc resp;
152  return setBatchSize(size, &resp);
153  }
155  /**
156  * @brief Changes the inference batch size.
157  * @note There are several limitations and it's not recommended to use it. Set batch to the input shape and call ICNNNetwork::reshape.
158  * @param size Size of batch to set
159  * @return Status code of the operation
160  * @note: Current implementation of the function sets batch size to the first dimension of all layers in the networks.
161  * Before calling it make sure that all your layers have batch in the first dimension, otherwise the method works incorrectly.
162  * This limitation is resolved via shape inference feature
163  * by using InferenceEngine::ICNNNetwork::reshape method.
164  * To read more refer to the Shape Inference section in documentation
165  */
166  virtual StatusCode setBatchSize(size_t size, ResponseDesc* responseDesc) noexcept = 0;
168  /**
169  * @brief Gets the inference batch size
170  * @return The size of batch as a size_t value
171  */
172  virtual size_t getBatchSize() const noexcept = 0;
174  /**
175  * @brief Map of pairs: name of corresponding data and its dimension.
176  */
177  using InputShapes = std::map<std::string, SizeVector>;
179  /**
180  * @brief Run shape inference with new input shapes for the network
181  * @param inputShapes - map of pairs: name of corresponding data and its dimension.
182  * @param resp Pointer to the response message that holds a description of an error if any occurred
183  * @return Status code of the operation
184  */
185  virtual StatusCode reshape(const InputShapes& /*inputShapes*/, ResponseDesc* /*resp*/) noexcept { return NOT_IMPLEMENTED; };
187  /**
188  * @brief Registers extension within the plugin
189  * @param extension Pointer to already loaded reader extension with shape propagation implementations
190  * @param resp Pointer to the response message that holds a description of an error if any occurred
191  * @return Status code of the operation. OK if succeeded
192  */
193  virtual StatusCode
194  AddExtension(const IShapeInferExtensionPtr& /*extension*/, ResponseDesc* /*resp*/) noexcept { return NOT_IMPLEMENTED; };
196  virtual StatusCode getStats(ICNNNetworkStats** /*stats*/, ResponseDesc* /*resp*/) const noexcept { return NOT_IMPLEMENTED; };
198  /**
199  * @brief Serialize network to IR and weights files.
200  * @param xmlPath Path to output IR file.
201  * @param binPath Path to output weights file.
202  * @return Status code of the operation
203  */
204  virtual StatusCode serialize(const std::string &xmlPath, const std::string &binPath, ResponseDesc* resp) const noexcept = 0;
205 };
206 } // namespace InferenceEngine
Describes known device types.
Definition: ie_device.hpp:24
virtual const std::string & getName() const noexcept=0
Returns the network name.
Inference Engine API.
Definition: ie_argmax_layer.hpp:11
virtual DataPtr & getData(const char *dname) noexcept=0
Returns a smart pointer reference to a Data node given its name. If the Data node is missing...
virtual void getInputsInfo(InputsDataMap &inputs) const noexcept=0
Gets the network input Data node information. The received info is stored in the given InputsDataMap ...
virtual StatusCode reshape(const InputShapes &, ResponseDesc *) noexcept
Run shape inference with new input shapes for the network.
Definition: ie_icnn_network.hpp:185
A header file for Blob and generic TBlob<>
virtual InputInfo::Ptr getInput(const std::string &inputName) const noexcept=0
Returns information on certain input pointed by inputName.
virtual StatusCode setBatchSize(const size_t size) noexcept
Changes the inference batch size.
Definition: ie_icnn_network.hpp:150
virtual StatusCode getLayerByName(const char *layerName, CNNLayerPtr &out, ResponseDesc *resp) const noexcept=0
Gets network layer with the given name.
This header file provides structures to store info about pre-processing of network inputs (scale...
virtual size_t getBatchSize() const noexcept=0
Gets the inference batch size.
Represents detailed information for an error.
Definition: ie_common.h:230
This enum contains codes for all possible return values of the interface functions.
Definition: ie_common.h:207
a header file for internal Layers structure to describe layers information
std::shared_ptr< Data > DataPtr
Smart pointer to Data.
Definition: ie_common.h:50
This is the main interface to describe the NN topology.
Definition: ie_icnn_network.hpp:35
This header file defines the main Data representation node.
This is a header file for the ICNNNetworkStats class.
virtual void setTargetDevice(TargetDevice device) noexcept=0
Sets a desirable device to perform all work on. Some plug-ins might not support some target devices a...
std::shared_ptr< CNNLayer > CNNLayerPtr
A smart pointer to the CNNLayer.
Definition: ie_common.h:36
std::map< std::string, DataPtr > OutputsDataMap
A collection that contains string as key, and Data smart pointer as value.
Definition: ie_icnn_network.hpp:30
virtual size_t layerCount() const noexcept=0
Returns the number of layers in the network as an integer value.
virtual void addLayer(const CNNLayerPtr &layer) noexcept=0
Insert a layer into the network. A user is responsible to connect it to other data elements...
virtual StatusCode addOutput(const std::string &layerName, size_t outputIndex=0, ResponseDesc *resp=nullptr) noexcept=0
Adds output to the layer.
virtual TargetDevice getTargetDevice() const noexcept=0
Gets the target device. If setTargetDevice() was not called before, returns eDefault.
This is a header file for Inference Engine Extension Interface.
This header file contains aspects of working on different devices like CPU, GEN, FPGA, etc.
std::shared_ptr< InputInfo > Ptr
A smart pointer to the InputInfo instance.
Definition: ie_input_info.hpp:28
A header file for the Inference Engine plugins destruction mechanism.
This is the interface to describe the NN topology scoring statistics.
Definition: ie_icnn_network_stats.hpp:38
virtual StatusCode AddExtension(const IShapeInferExtensionPtr &, ResponseDesc *) noexcept
Registers extension within the plugin.
Definition: ie_icnn_network.hpp:194
std::map< std::string, SizeVector > InputShapes
Map of pairs: name of corresponding data and its dimension.
Definition: ie_icnn_network.hpp:177
virtual Precision getPrecision() const noexcept=0
Returns the main network operating precision. This may be MIXED if not homogeneous.
virtual void getOutputsInfo(OutputsDataMap &out) const noexcept=0
Gets the network output Data node information. The received info is stored in the given Data node...
a header file for InputInfo class
std::map< std::string, InputInfo::Ptr > InputsDataMap
A collection that contains string as key, and InputInfo smart pointer as value.
Definition: ie_input_info.hpp:198
This is a header file with common inference engine definitions.
This class holds precision value and provides precision related operations.
Definition: ie_precision.hpp:19
virtual StatusCode serialize(const std::string &xmlPath, const std::string &binPath, ResponseDesc *resp) const noexcept=0
Serialize network to IR and weights files.