Restart DL Workbench

If you have run DL Workbench before, you do not need to build the Docker* image again. To restart DL Workbench, stop and remove the current Docker container, then run a new one:

docker stop workbench
docker rm workbench
docker run -p \
--name workbench \
--privileged \
-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \
-v /dev/dri:/dev/dri \
-e PORT=5665 \
-e http_proxy=<http-proxy> \
-e https_proxy=<https-proxy> \
-it workbench

This command runs the Docker container named workbench with the following arguments:

Argument Explanation
-p Maps the Docker container port 5665 to the host port 5665 to get access to DL Workbench from a web browser.
-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb Mounts directory /dev/bus/usb to the Docker container and enables the container to use a GPU device in DL Workbench.
--privileged -v /dev/dri:/dev/dri Mounts directory /dev/dri to the Docker container and enables the container to use a GPU device in DL Workbench.
-it Enables interactive processes in the DL Workbench terminal. Set to the Docker image named workbench.

NOTE: For more details about arguments of docker run process, see Docker* Run Reference.

Once the command executes, open the link in your browser, and the DL Workbench Get Started page appears:
