Install DL Workbench from Docker Hub*

You can run DL Workbench by building a Docker* image locally, which is possible on both Linux* and Windows* operating systems.

NOTE: This installation option requires registration on Docker Hub.

Install DL Workbench from Docker Hub* on Linux*

Install Docker* CE

To install Docker CE for Linux, follow the steps described in the manual.

Set Proxy (Optional)

If you are behind a corporate proxy, you can set it by running the following commands:

  1. Create a directory with a configurations file:
    mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
    touch /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/opts.conf
  2. Save data about proxy and DNS settings on your machine to the configurations file:
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --dns <dns> --insecure-registry <insecure-registry>
    Environment="HTTP_PROXY=<http-proxy>" "HTTPS_PROXY=<https-proxy>" "NO_PROXY=<no-proxy>"
  3. Let the system reread configuration and restart the Docker* container:
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart docker

For details on customizing Docker settings, see Control Docker with systemd or contact your system administrator.

Run Docker Container

Run the Docker container with DL Workbench:

docker run -p \
--name workbench \
--privileged \
-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \
-v /dev/dri:/dev/dri \
-e PORT=5665 \
-e no_proxy=<no-proxy> \
-e http_proxy=<http-proxy> \
-e https_proxy=<https-proxy> \
-it openvino/workbench:latest

This command runs the Docker container named workbench with the following arguments:

Argument Explanation
-p Maps the Docker container port 5665 to the host port 5665 to get access to DL Workbench from a web browser.
--priveleged Enables full container capabilities.
-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb Mounts directory /dev/bus/usb to the Docker container and enables the container to use a GPU device in DL Workbench.
-v /dev/dri:/dev/dri Mounts directory /dev/dri to the Docker container and enables the container to use a GPU device in DL Workbench.
--build-arg https_proxy=<https-proxy>

--build-arg http_proxy=<http-proxy>

--build-arg no_proxy=<no-proxy>
Optional. If you are behind a corporate proxy, set environment variables.
-it Enables interactive processes in the DL Workbench terminal. Set to the Docker image name workbench.

When the command executes, point your browser to and the DL Workbench Get Started page appears:


You have successfully installed OpenVINO™ DL Workbench. Now you move on to Work with Models and Sample Datasets.

Install DL Workbench from Docker Hub* on Windows*

Install Docker Desktop*

To install Docker Desktop for Windows, follow the steps described in the manual. When the installation is complete, start the program.

NOTE: To install Docker Desktop, you need to have an account on Docker Hub.

Set Proxy (Optional)

If you are behind a corporate proxy, you can set it in the Docker Desktop settings and in Windows PowerShell*.

To set proxy in the settings, right click on Docker Desktop in taskbar items, select Configure proxy, and follow the scheme below:

Settings >> Proxies >> Select Manual proxy configuration >> Add your http-proxy to both Web Server and Secure Web Server >> Apply settings

Settings >> Proxies >> Add your no-proxy to Bypass for these hosts ... >> Apply settings

Now set proxy in Windows PowerShell by passing the following arguments to it:


NOTE: Double quotes are required for these arguments.

Run Docker Container

NOTE: For this step, Docker Desktop must be running.

Run the following command in Windows PowerShell*:

docker pull openvino/workbench:latest

Then, run the following:

docker run -p \
--name workbench \
--privileged \
-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \
-v /dev/dri:/dev/dri \
-e PORT=5665 \
-e $no_proxy=<no-proxy> \
-e $http_proxy=<http-proxy> \
-e $https_proxy=<https-proxy> \
-it openvino/workbench:latest

This command runs the Docker container named workbench with the following arguments:

Argument Explanation
-p Maps the Docker container port 5665 to the host port 5665 to get access to DL Workbench from a web browser.
--priveleged Enables full container capabilities.
-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb Mounts directory /dev/bus/usb to the Docker container and enables the container to use a GPU device in DL Workbench.
-v /dev/dri:/dev/dri Mounts directory /dev/dri to the Docker container and enables the container to use a GPU device in DL Workbench.
--build-arg https_proxy=<https-proxy>

--build-arg http_proxy=<http-proxy>

--build-arg no_proxy=<no-proxy>
Optional. If you are behind a corporate proxy, set environment variables.
-it Enables interactive processes in the DL Workbench terminal. Set to the Docker image name workbench.

When the command executes, point your browser to and the DL Workbench Get Started page appears:


You have successfully installed OpenVINO™ DL Workbench. Now you move on to Work with Models and Sample Datasets.