Import Datasets

NOTE: Sample datasets must consist of a small sampling of images and be formatted in either ImageNet or Pascal VOC format. To learn more about the formats, refer to Dataset Types.

On the One-Page Wizard screen, find the table with datasets:


To import a new dataset, click the Import Local Dataset button under the table with datasets. Fill out the Import Local Dataset form that appears on a new page:

Parameter Explanation
Dataset File A .zip or .tar.gz archive that contains the dataset
Dataset Name Can be different from the archive name
Dataset Format Can be ImageNet or VOC Object Detection

After you have entered all of the required data, click the Import Dataset button to start the import. You are automatically directed back to the datasets table, where the Status column shows the progress bar and status of the import:


To remove an imported dataset from the list, click the bin sign in the Action column:


Select the dataset in the list and proceed to select an environment.