Dataset Types

Three different dataset types are available to use in DL Workbench. Your dataset does not need to contain images from datasets providing these types, but it needs to adhere to the supported dataset formats.

To learn how to download and prepare datasets, refer to Download and Cut Datasets.


ImageNet is a well-known dataset used to train classification models. It consists of an annotation file and images.

|-- annotation.txt
|-- 0001.jpg
|-- 0002.jpg
|-- n.jpg

The annotation file is organized as follows:

0001.jpg <label ID>
0002.jpg <label ID>
n.jpg <label ID>

Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC)

Pascal VOC is a well-known dataset used to train object-detection and semantic-segmentation models. VOC datasets consist of several folders containing annotation files and image indices.

A VOC dataset archive is organized as follows:

|-- VOCdevkit
|-- VOC
|-- Annotations
|-- 0001.xml
|-- 0002.xml
|-- n.xml
|-- ImageSets
|-- Layout
|-- test.txt
|-- Main
|-- 0001_test.txt
|-- 0002_test.txt
|-- n_test.txt
|-- Segmentation
|-- test.txt
|-- Images
|-- 0001.jpg
|-- 0002.jpg
|-- n.jpg
|-- SegmentationClass
|-- 0001.png
|-- 0002.png
|-- n.png
|-- SegmentationObject
|-- 0001.png
|-- 0002.png
|-- n.png