Configure Accuracy Settings

When importing a model, you can modify parameters and specify additional parameters to achieve more precise calibration and accuracy results. You are required to specify several parameters for classification and object-detection models.

Choose the usage when you import the model:


Refer to the table below to see available parameters for each usage type:

Usage Configuration Parameters
Classification Preprocessing configuration: Separate background class, Normalization

Metric configuration: Metric, Top K
Object-Detection SSD Preprocessing configuration: Resize type, Color space, Separate background class, Normalization

Post-processing configuration: Prediction boxes

Metric configuration: Metric (Auto), Overlap threshold, Integral
Object-Detection YOLO V2 and YOLO Tiny V2 Preprocessing configuration: Resize type, Color space, Separate background class, Normalization

Post-processing configuration: Prediction boxes, NMS overlap

Metric configuration: Metric (Auto), Overlap threshold, Integral
Generic No parameters required

Do not change optional settings unless you are well aware of the impact they have.

For more details on parameter setting for calibration and accuracy checking, refer to the command-line documentation.

Preprocessing Configuration

Defines how to process images prior to inference with a model.

Parameter Values Explanation
Resize Type Auto Resize images to the model input dimensions
Color Space RGB
Transform image color space from RGB to BGR or back
Separate Background Class Yes
Insert background label as an additional label for all images
Normalization: Mean [0; 256] The values to be subtracted from the corresponding image channels
Normalization: Standard Deviation [0; 256] The values to divide image channels by

Post-Processing Configuration

Defines how to process images after inference with a model. Post-processing also provides prediction values and/or annotation data after inference and before metric calculation.

Parameter Values Explanation
Prediction Boxes None
ResizeBoxes NMS
Resize images or set Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) to make sure that detected objects are identified only once
NMS Overlap [0; 1] Non-maximum supression overlap threshold to merge detections

Metric Configuration

Specifies a metric for post-inference measurements.

Parameter Values Explanation
Metric Auto The unit of measrement applied to evaluate perfomance of a model
Overlap Threshold [0; 1] Minimal value for intersection over union that allows to make decision that a bounding box of a prediction is true positive
Integral Max
11 Point
Integral type to calculate average precision