Install DL Workbench


OpenVINO™ DL Workbench requires additional software to be installed to satisfy general OpenVINO™ toolkit requirements for Linux* systems.

Prerequisite Minimum Requirement
Operating System Ubuntu* 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04. Other Linux distributions, such as CentOS* 7, are not validated.
Windows* can be used to run the DL Workbench from Docker Hub*.
Available Storage Space 5 GB
Docker* Docker CE 18.06.1
Web Browser Google Chrome* 72
Other browsers, like Mozilla Firefox* 65 or Apple Safari* 12, are not validated. Microsoft Internet Explorer* is not recommended.

Installation Methods

To install the OpenVINO™ DL Workbench tool, choose one of the following methods:

For additional options, such as launching the DL Workbench container and restarting the container, see Advanced Topics.