Install DL Workbench


OpenVINO™ DL Workbench requires additional software to be installed to satisfy general OpenVINO™ requirements for Linux* systems.

Prerequisite Minimum Requirement
Operating System Ubuntu* 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04. Other Linux distributions, such as CentOS* 7, are not validated.
Available Storage Space 5 GB
Docker* Docker CE 18.06.1
Web Browser Google Chrome* 72
Other browsers, like Mozilla Firefox* 65 or Apple Safari* 12, are not validated. Microsoft Internet Explorer* is not recommended.

Installation Methods

To install the OpenVINO™ DL Workbench tool, choose one of the following methods:

For additional options, such as launching the DL Workbench container, restarting the container or mounting your local directory with data to the Docker container with DL Workbench, see Mount Folder to Docker Container.