Supported Framework Layers

Caffe* Supported Layers and the Mapping to the Intermediate Representation Layers

Standard Caffe* layers:

Number Layer Name in Caffe* Layer Name in the Intermediate Representation
1 Input Input
2 GlobalInput Input
3 InnerProduct FullyConnected
4 Dropout Ignored, does not appear in IR
5 Convolution Convolution
6 Deconvolution Deconvolution
7 Pooling Pooling
8 BatchNorm BatchNormalization
9 LRN Norm
10 Power Power
11 ReLU ReLU
12 Scale ScaleShift
13 Concat Concat
14 Eltwise Eltwise
15 Flatten Flatten
16 Reshape Reshape
17 Slice Slice
18 Softmax SoftMax
19 Permute Permute
20 ROIPooling ROIPooling
21 Tile Tile
22 ShuffleChannel Reshape + Split + Permute + Concat
23 Axpy ScaleShift + Eltwise
24 BN ScaleShift
25 DetectionOutput DetectionOutput
26 StridedSlice StridedSlice
27 Bias Eltwise(operation = sum)

MXNet* Supported Symbols and the Mapping to the Intermediate Representation Layers

Standard MXNet* symbols:

Number Symbol Name in MXNet* Layer Name in the Intermediate Representation
1 BatchNorm BatchNormalization
2 Crop Crop
3 ScaleShift ScaleShift
4 Pooling Pooling
5 SoftmaxOutput SoftMax
6 SoftmaxActivation SoftMax
7 null Ignored, does not appear in IR
8 Convolution Convolution
9 Deconvolution Deconvolution
10 Activation(act_type = relu) ReLU
11 ReLU ReLU
12 LeakyReLU ReLU (negative_slope = 0.25)
13 Concat Concat
14 elemwise_add Eltwise(operation = sum)
15 _Plus Eltwise(operation = sum)
16 Flatten Flatten
17 Reshape Reshape
18 FullyConnected FullyConnected
19 UpSampling Resample
20 transpose Permute
21 LRN Norm
22 L2Normalization Normalize
23 Dropout Ignored, does not appear in IR
24 _copy Ignored, does not appear in IR
25 _contrib_MultiBoxPrior PriorBox
26 _contrib_MultiBoxDetection DetectionOutput
27 broadcast_mul ScaleShift
28 sigmoid sigmoid
29 Activation (act_type = tanh) Activation (operation = tanh)
30 LeakyReLU (act_type = prelu) PReLU
31 LeakyReLU (act_type = elu) Activation (operation = elu)
32 elemwise_mul Eltwise (operation = mul)
33 add_n
Eltwise (operation = sum)
34 ElementWiseSum
Eltwise (operation = sum) or ScaleShift
35 _mul_scalar Power
36 broadcast_add Eltwise (operation = sum)
37 slice_axis Crop
38 Custom Custom Layers in the Model Optimizer
39 _minus_scalar Power
40 Pad Pad
41 _contrib_Proposal Proposal
42 ROIPooling ROIPooling
43 stack Concat
44 swapaxis Permute
45 zeros Const
45 rnn TensorIterator
46 rnn_param_concat Concat
47 slice_channel Split
48 _maximum Eltwise(operation = max)
49 _minimum Power(scale=-1) + Eltwise(operation = max) + Power(scale=-1)
50 InstanceNorm scale * (x - mean) / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + B
51 Embedding Gather
52 DeformableConvolution DeformableConvolution
53 DeformablePSROIPooling PSROIPooling (method=deformable)
54 Where Select
55 exp Exp
56 slice_like Crop
57 div_scalar Power(power = -1) + Eltwise(operation = mul)
58 minus_scalar Eltwise(operation = sum) + Power(scale=-1)
59 greater_scalar Eltwise(operation=Greater)
60 elemtwise_sub Eltwise(operation = sum) + Power(scale=-1)

TensorFlow* Supported Operations and the Mapping to Intermediate Representation Layers

Some TensorFlow* operations do not match to any Inference Engine layer, but are still supported by the Model Optimizer and can be used on constant propagation path. These layers are labeled 'Constant propagation' in the table.

Standard TensorFlow* operations:

Number Operation Name in TensorFlow Layer Name in the Intermediate Representation
1 Transpose Permute
2 LRN Norm
3 Split Split
4 SplitV Split
5 FusedBatchNorm ScaleShift (can be fused into Convolution or FullyConnected)
6 Relu6 Clamp
7 DepthwiseConv2dNative Convolution
8 ExpandDims Unsqueeze
9 Slice Split
10 ConcatV2 Concat
11 MatMul FullyConnected
12 Pack Reshapes and Concat
13 StridedSlice StridedSlice or Split
14 Prod Constant propagation
15 Const Const
16 Tile Tile
17 Placeholder Input
18 Pad Fused into Convolution or Pooling layers (not supported as single operation)
19 Conv2D Convolution
20 Conv2DBackpropInput Deconvolution
21 Identity Ignored, does not appear in the IR
22 Add Eltwise(operation = sum) or ScaleShift
23 Mul Eltwise(operation = mul)
24 Maximum Eltwise(operation = max)
25 Rsqrt Power(power=-0.5)
26 Neg Power(scale=-1)
27 Sub Eltwise(operation = sum) + Power(scale=-1)
28 Relu ReLU
29 AvgPool Pooling (pool_method=avg)
30 MaxPool Pooling (pool_method=max)
31 Mean Pooling (pool_method = avg) (sequential reduce dimensions are supported only)
32 RandomUniform Not supported
33 BiasAdd Fused or converted to ScaleShift
34 Reshape Reshape
35 Squeeze Squeeze
36 Shape Constant propagation (or layer generation if the "--keep_shape_ops" command line parameter has been specified)
37 Softmax SoftMax
38 SpaceToBatchND Supported in a pattern when converted to Convolution layer dilation attribute, Constant propagation
39 BatchToSpaceND Supported in a pattern when converted to Convolution layer dilation attribute, Constant propagation
40 StopGradient Ignored, does not appear in IR
41 Square Constant propagation
42 Sum Pool(pool_method = avg) + Eltwise(operation = mul)
43 Range Constant propagation
44 CropAndResize ROIPooling (if the the method is 'bilinear')
45 ArgMax ArgMax
46 DepthToSpace Reshape + Permute + Reshape (works for CPU only because of 6D tensors)
47 ExtractImagePatches ReorgYolo
48 ResizeBilinear Interp
49 ResizeNearestNeighbor Resample
50 Unpack Split + Reshape (removes dimension being unpacked) if the number of parts is equal to size along given axis
51 AddN Several Eltwises
52 Concat Concat
53 Minimum Power(scale=-1) + Eltwise(operation = max) + Power(scale=-1)
54 TopkV2 TopK
55 RealDiv Power(power = -1) and Eltwise(operation = mul)
56 SquaredDifference Power(scale = -1) + Eltwise(operation = sum) + Power(power = 2)
57 Gather Gather
58 GatherV2 Gather
59 ResourceGather Gather
60 Sqrt Power(power=0.5)
61 Square Power(power=2)
62 Pad Pad
63 PadV2 Pad
64 MirrorPad Pad
65 ReverseSequence ReverseSequence
66 ZerosLike Constant propagation
67 Fill Broadcast
68 Cast Cast to the following data types are removed from the graph float32, double, int32, int64
69 Enter Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
70 Exit Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
71 LoopCond Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
72 Merge Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
73 NextIteration Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
74 TensorArrayGatherV3 Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
75 TensorArrayReadV3 Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
76 TensorArrayScatterV3 Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
77 TensorArraySizeV3 Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
78 TensorArrayV3 Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
79 TensorArrayWriteV3 Supported only when it is fused to the TensorIterator layer
80 Equal Eltwise(operation = equal)
81 Exp Eltwise(operation = exp)
82 Greater Eltwise(operation = greater)
83 GreaterEqual Eltwise(operation = greater_equal)
84 Less Eltwise(operation = less)
85 LogicalAnd Eltwise(operation = logical_and)
86 Min Constant propagation
87 Max Reshape + Pooling (pool_method=max) + Reshape
88 GatherNd Supported if it can be replaced with Gather
89 PlaceholderWithDefault Const
90 Rank Constant propagation
91 Round Constant propagation
92 Sigmoid Activation(operation = sigmoid)
93 Size Constant propagation
94 Switch Control flow propagation

Kaldi* Supported Layers and the Mapping to the Intermediate Representation Layers

Standard Kaldi* Layers:

Number Layer Name in Kaldi* Layer name in the Intermediate Representation
1 AddShift Will be fused or converted to ScaleShift
2 AffineComponent FullyConnected
3 AffineTransform FullyConnected
4 ConvolutionalComponent Convolution
5 Convolutional1DComponent Convolution
6 FixedAffineComponent FullyConnected
7 LstmProjected
8 LstmProjectedStreams The same as for LstmProjected
9 MaxPoolingComponent Pooling (pool_method = max)
10 NormalizeComponent ScaleShift
11 RectifiedLinearComponent ReLU
12 ParallelComponent
13 Rescale Will be fused or converted to ScaleShift
14 Sigmoid Activation (operation = sigmoid)
15 Softmax Softmax
16 SoftmaxComponent Softmax
17 SpliceComponent
18 TanhComponent Activation (operation = tanh)

ONNX* Supported Operators and the mapping to the Intermediate Representation layers

Standard ONNX* operators:

Number Operator name in ONNX* Layer type in the Intermediate Representation
1 Add Eltwise(operation = sum) (added 'axis' support) or ScaleShift
2 AveragePool Pooling (pool_method=avg)
3 BatchNormalization ScaleShift (can be fused into Convlution or FC)
4 Concat Concat
5 Constant Will be removed on constant propagation step
6 Conv Convolution
7 ConvTranspose Deconvolution (added auto_pad and output_shape attributes support))
8 Div Eltwise(operation = mul)->Power
9 Dropout Ignored, does not apeear in IR
10 Elu Activation (ELU)
11 Flatten Reshape
12 Gemm FullyConnected or GEMM depending on inputs
13 GlobalAveragePool Pooling (pool_method=avg)
14 Identity Ignored, does not appear in IR
15 LRN Norm
16 LeakyRelu ReLU
17 MatMul FullyConnected
17 MaxPool Pooling (pool_method=max)
19 Mul Eltwise(operation = mul) (added ‘axis’ support)
20 Relu ReLU
21 Reshape Reshape
22 Shape Constant propagation
23 Softmax SoftMax
24 Squeeze Squeeze
25 Sub Power->Eltwise(operation = sum)
26 Sum Eltwise(operation = sum)
27 Transpose Permute
28 Unsqueeze Reshape
29 Upsample Resample
30 ImageScaler ScaleShift
31 Affine ScaleShift
32 Reciprocal Power(power=-1)
33 Crop Split
34 Tanh Activation (operation = tanh)
35 Sigmoid Activation (operation = sigmoid)
36 Pow Power
37 ConvTranspose
38 Gather Gather
39 ConstantFill Constant propagation
40 ReduceMean Reshape + Pooling(pool_method=avg) + Reshape (sequential reduce dimensions are supported only)
41 ReduceSum Reshape + Pooling(pool_method=avg) + Power(scale=reduce_dim_size) + Reshape (sequential reduce dimensions are supported only)
42 Gather Gather
43 Gemm GEMM
44 GlobalMaxPool Pooling (pool_method=max)
45 Neg Power(scale=-1)
46 Pad Pad
47 ArgMax ArgMax
48 Clip Clamp
49 DetectionOutput (Intel experimental) DetectionOutputONNX
50 PriorBox (Intel experimental) PriorBoxONNX
51 RNN TensorIterator(with RNNCell in a body)
52 GRU TensorIterator(with GRUCell in a body)
53 LSTM TensorIterator(with LSTMCell in a body)
54 FakeQuantize (Intel experimental) FakeQuantize
55 Efr Erf
56 BatchMatMul GEMM
57 SpaceToDepth Reshape + Permute + Reshape
58 Fill Broadcast
59 Select Select
60 OneHot OneHot
61 TopK TopK
62 GatherTree GatherTree
63 LogicalAnd Eltwise(operation = LogicalAnd)
64 LogicalOr Eltwise(operation = LogicalOr)
65 Equal Eltwise(operation = Equal)
66 NotEqual Eltwise(operation = NotEqual)
67 Less Eltwise(operation = Less)
68 LessEqual Eltwise(operation = LessEqual)
69 Greater Eltwise(operation = Greater)
70 GreaterEqual Eltwise(operation = GreaterEqual)