Calibration Tool

Inference Engine Calibration Tool calibrates a given FP32 model so that is can be run in low-precision 8-bit integer mode while keeping the input data of this model in the original precision.

NOTE: By default, Inference Engine samples and demos expect input with BGR channels order. If you trained your model to work with RGB order, you need to manually rearrange the default channels order in the sample or demo application or reconvert your model using the Model Optimizer tool with --reverse_input_channels argument specified. For more information about the argument, refer to When to Specify Input Shapes section of Converting a Model Using General Conversion Parameters.

Calibration Tool Options

The core command-line options for the Calibration Tool are the same as for Validation Application. However, the Calibration Tool has the following specific options: -t, -subset, -output, and -threshold.

Running the Calibration Tool with the -h option yields the following usage message:

Usage: calibration_tool [OPTION]
Available options:
-h Print a help message
-t <type> Type of an inferred network ("C" by default)
-t "C" to calibrate Classification network and write the calibrated network to IR
-t "OD" to calibrate Object Detection network and write the calibrated network to IR
-t "RawC" to collect only statistics for Classification network and write statistics to IR. With this option, a model is not calibrated. For calibration and statisctics collection, use "-t C" instead.
-t "RawOD" to collect only statistics for Object Detection network and write statistics to IR. With this option, a model is not calibrated. For calibration and statisctics collection, use "-t OD" instead
-i <path> Required. Path to a directory with validation images. For Classification models, the directory must contain folders named as labels with images inside or a .txt file with a list of images. For Object Detection models, the dataset must be in VOC format.
-m <path> Required. Path to an .xml file with a trained model, including model name and extension.
-lbl <path> Labels file path. The labels file contains names of the dataset classes
-l <absolute_path> Required for CPU custom layers. Absolute path to a shared library with the kernel implementations.
-c <absolute_path> Required for GPU custom kernels. Absolute path to an .xml file with the kernel descriptions.
-d <device> Target device to infer on: CPU (default), GPU, FPGA, HDDL or MYRIAD. The application looks for a suitable plugin for the specified device.
-b N Batch size value. If not specified, the batch size value is taken from IR
-ppType <type> Preprocessing type. Options: "None", "Resize", "ResizeCrop"
-ppSize N Preprocessing size (used with ppType="ResizeCrop")
-ppWidth W Preprocessing width (overrides -ppSize, used with ppType="ResizeCrop")
-ppHeight H Preprocessing height (overrides -ppSize, used with ppType="ResizeCrop")
--dump Dump file names and inference results to a .csv file
-subset Number of pictures from the whole validation set tocreate the calibration dataset. Default value is 0, which stands forthe whole provided dataset
-output <output_IR> Output name for calibrated model. Default is <original_model_name>_i8.xml|bin
-threshold Threshold for a maximum accuracy drop of quantized model. Must be an integer number (percents) without a percent sign. Default value is 1, which stands for accepted accuracy drop in 1%
-stream_output Flag for printing progress as a plain text.When used, interactive progress bar is replaced with multiline output
Classification-specific options:
-Czb true "Zero is a background" flag. Some networks are trained with a modified dataset where the class IDs are enumerated from 1, but 0 is an undefined "background" class (which is never detected)
Object detection-specific options:
-ODkind <kind> Type of an Object Detection model. Options: SSD
-ODa <path> Required for Object Detection models. Path to a directory containing an .xml file with annotations for images.
-ODc <file> Required for Object Detection models. Path to a file with a list of classes
-ODsubdir <name> Directory between the path to images (specified with -i) and image name (specified in the .xml file). For VOC2007 dataset, use JPEGImages.

The tool options are divided into two categories:

  1. Common options named with a single letter or a word, such as -b or –dump. These options are the same in all calibration tool modes.
  2. Network type-specific options named as an acronym of the network type (C or OD) followed by a letter or a word.

You can run the tool with public or pre-trained models. To download the pre-trained models, use the OpenVINO Model Downloader or go to

NOTE: Before running the tool on a trained model, make sure the model is converted to the Inference Engine format (*.xml + *.bin) using the Model Optimizer tool.

Calibrate a Classification Model

To calibrate a classification convolutional neural network (CNN) on a subset of images (first 2000 images) from the given dataset (specified with the -i option), run the following command:

./calibration_tool -t C -i <path_to_images_directory_or_txt_file> -m <path_to_classification_model>/<model_name>.xml -d <CPU|GPU> -subset 2000

The dataset must have the correct format. Classification models support two formats: folders named as labels that contain all images of this class and ImageNet*-like format, with the .txt file containing list of images and IDs of classes.

For more information on the structure of the datasets, refer to the Prepare a Dataset section of the Validation Application document.

If you decide to use the subset of the given dataset, use the ImageNet-like format instead of "folder as classes" format. This brings a more accurate calibration as you are likely to get images representing different classes.

To run the sample you can use classification models that can be downloaded with the OpenVINO Model Downloader or other image classification models.

For example, to calibrate the trained Caffe* resnet-50 classification model, run the following command:

./calibration_tool -t C -m <path_to_model>/resnet-50.xml -i ILSVRC2012_val.txt -Czb false -ppType "ResizeCrop" -ppSize 342 -b 1 -d CPU -subset 2000

Calibrate Object Detection Model

This topic demonstrates how to run the Calibration Tool on the Object Detection CNN on a set of images. Please review the list of Object Detection models used for validation of the Calibration Tool in the 8-bit Inference Introduction. Any network that can be inferred with the Inference Engine and has the same input and output format as the SSD CNN should be supported as well.

Run SSD Network on the VOC dataset

Before you start calibrating the model, make sure your dataset is in the correct format. For more information, refer to the Prepare a Dataset section of the Validation Application document.

Once you have prepared the dataset, you can calibrate the model on it by running the following command:

./calibration_tool -d CPU -t OD -ODa "<path_to_image_annotations>/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Annotations" -i "<path_to_image_directory>/VOCdevkit" -m "<path_to_model>/vgg_voc0712_ssd_300x300.xml" -ODc "<path_to_classes_list>/VOC_SSD_Classes.txt" -ODsubdir JPEGImages -subset 500

See Also