File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 ie_allocator.hpp A header file that provides Allocator interface
 ie_api.h The macro defines a symbol import/export mechanism essential for Microsoft Windows(R) OS
 ie_blob.h A header file for Blob and generic TBlob<>
 ie_common.h This is a header file with common inference engine definitions
 ie_context.hpp This is a header file for the IE Context class
 ie_data.h This header file defines the main Data representation node
 ie_device.hpp This header file contains aspects of working on different devices like CPU, GEN, FPGA, etc
 ie_error.hpp A header file for a plugin logging mechanism
 ie_extension.h A header file that defines a wrapper class for handling extension instantiation and releasing resources
 ie_icnn_net_reader.h A header file that provides interface for network reader that is used to build networks from a given IR
 ie_icnn_network.hpp This is a header file for the ICNNNetwork class
 ie_icnn_network_stats.hpp This is a header file for the ICNNNetworkStats class
 ie_iexecutable_network.hpp Header file for IExecutableNetwork interface
 ie_iextension.h This is a header file for Inference Engine Extension Interface
 ie_ihetero_plugin.hpp A header file that provides interface to register custom hetero functionality
 ie_iinfer_request.hpp Header file for IInferRequest interface
 ie_imemory_state.hpp Header file for IMemoryState interface
 ie_input_info.hpp Header file for InputInfo class
 ie_layers.h Header file for internal Layers structure to describe layers information
 ie_layouts.h A header file for data layouts and conversion between them
 ie_locked_memory.hpp A header file for generic LockedMemory<> and different variations of locks
 ie_parallel.hpp Contains declarations and definitions for sequential and multi-threading implementations. Multi-threading support is implemented in two variants: using the Threading Building Blocks library and OpenMP* product. To build a particular implementation, use the corresponding identifier: IE_THREAD_TBB, IE_THREAD_OMP or IE_THREAD_SEQ
 ie_plugin.hpp A header file for Main Inference Engine API
 ie_plugin_config.hpp Header for advanced hardware related properties for clDNN plugin To use in SetConfig() method of plugins
 ie_plugin_dispatcher.hpp A header for a class to handle plugin loading
 ie_plugin_ptr.hpp A header file contains a wrapper class for handling plugin instantiation and releasing resources
 ie_precision.hpp A header file that provides class for describing precision of data
 ie_preprocess.hpp This header file provides structures to store info about pre-processing of network inputs (scale, mean image, ...)
 ie_primitive_info.hpp A header file for the PrimitiveInfo struct
 ie_tensor_info.hpp A header file for the TensorInfo structure
 ie_utils.hpp A header file that provides utilities for calculating per layer theoretical statistic
 ie_version.hpp A header file that provides versioning information for the inference engine shared library
 inference_engine.hpp A header file that provides a set of convenience utility functions and the main include file for all other .h files