Convert Tensorflow* DeepSpeech Model to the Intermediate Representation

DeepSpeech project provides an engine to train speech-to-text models.

Pre-trained English speech-to-text model is publicly available. To download the model, please follow the instruction below:

After you unzip the archive with the pre-trained model, you will have the new models directory with the following files:


Pre-trained frozen model file is output_graph.pb.

DeepSpeech model view

As you can see, the frozen model still has two variables: previous_state_c and previous_state_h. It means that the model keeps training those variables at each inference.

At the first inference of this graph, the variables are initialized by zero tensors. After executing the lstm_fused_cell nodes, cell state and hidden state, which are the results of the BlockLSTM execution, are assigned to these two variables.

With each inference of the DeepSpeech graph, initial cell state and hidden state data for BlockLSTM is taken from previous inference from variables. Outputs (cell state and hidden state) of BlockLSTM are reassigned to the same variables.

It helps the model to remember the context of the words that it takes as input.

Convert TensorFlow DeepSpeech Model to IR

The Model Optimizer assumes that output model is for inference only. That is why you should cut those variables off and resolve keeping cell and hidden states on application level.

There are certain limitations for the model conversion:

To generate the DeepSpeech Intermediate Representation (IR), provide TensorFlow DeepSpeech model to the Model Optimizer with parameters:

python3 ./
--input_model path_to_model/output_graph.pb \
--freeze_placeholder_with_value input_lengths->[16] \
--input input_node,previous_state_h/read,previous_state_c/read \
--input_shape [1,16,19,26],[1,2048],[1,2048] \
--output raw_logits,lstm_fused_cell/Gather,lstm_fused_cell/Gather_1
